Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 38 - 38. True Blood Status

A week passed, Magnus was enjoying his life in Hogwarts. He would usually spend most of his time either studying, practising magic, trying to make the liquid luck, pranking his friends or flying.

But, now his life had a headache, that girl Emma, was always trying to get her revenge by trying to prank him, although none of them succeeded. He had asked her to get him an advance potions book. She did it grudgingly but her grudge didn\'t stop. ​​

"I\'m telling you, Mag. She got a crush on you, I mean, if I was a girl, I\'d be after you too, you are every girl\'s dream, a strong, intelligent guy, their prince charming, heck, you are going to be the king." Ragnar had gotten really comfortable with his words around Magnus, but around others, he was still like a puppy, though Magnus was changing that too, by slowly making him grow a spine.

Snape, who was walking on the other side of Magnus, shrank his nose in disgust, "What a vile thought to have."

Ragnar scoffed, "Don\'t lie to me, Severus, if you were a girl, you\'d be drooling over him too."

Magnus laughed, "Well, he already got someone to drool over so stop this hanky panky talk of yours. Did you practice the charms I gave you? You should at least know the lifesaver ones."

"Yeah yeah, I did. But they are too hard for me, I mean, I can\'t seem to be able to move my wand correctly." Ragnar argued.

Snape shook his head in disappointment, "Such a waste of talent, your potioneering is probably the best in history and you can\'t even cast charms."

Ragnar looked at him with fake anger, "Yeah? You\'re the one to say. Stop oogling that Gryffindor girl now and focus on your studies."

"Okay, stop fighting now, I will be going with the old man Dumbledore to Gringotts tomorrow. I gotta take the inheritance test." Magnus revealed.

"Hmm, Mr Malfoy was talking about discussing something with you yesterday, he did not ask me but I did hear him," Snape suddenly spoke.

"Sev, stop idolising that man. He is a manipulator and he\'s been trying since I stepped on this school grounds. If you\'re just after his family name and resources then I\'ve got more than that. Though I don\'t know about the money side of the situation, I will know that tomorrow." Magnus advised him.

They walked into the Slytherin Dungeon. But as soon as Magnus entered, he felt the presence of magic and immediately ducked.

"AHAAA... NO..." It was Emma, trying to plaster a cake on his face.


It hit Ragnar\'s face. He turned angry at her, "You, I will not help you at Potions now. Huh..."

Magnus smirked, "That is once again, 12 losses and 0 wins for you. Just give up, girl. You are too small for this."

He turned to the side and went to talk to Narcissa Black. She was although a manipulative woman, she sometimes seemed very nice as if that was her original personality, but the cold one had taken over. He couldn\'t imagine how a man like Lucius was able to win her heart, he had nothing except good looks and a family name... maybe some brain too but it was as good as nothing.

"Good evening, Miss Black." He greeted her.

"I told you to call me sister or just Narcissa. No need to be so formal now, Magnus." She replied with a smile, which seemed half genuine and half politically driven.

She sat by the fireplace, reading some random book about blood purity. He was still not sure if she knew he came from a muggle family though.

"Still having trouble with potions?" She asked.

"Yup, I\'m just average at it. I want to be better." He said, with a bit of frustration in his sound.

She chuckled, "Hehe, it\'s okay being average in a few things when you are outstanding in all others. Have you thought about what you will do after school?"

"Be the king maybe?" He muttered. By now, everyone knew the reason he had Pendragon in his name.

"Maybe I can help." Lucius appeared and took a seat.

Magnus took his senses to the highest limit, this man was not to be trusted at all.

"And what might that be?" He questioned.

"You are an elite, Mr Pendragon. You are the descendent of one of the oldest magical families and the ruler of a nation. You deserve to be someone great. I myself think that if I do work for someone, he must be the greatest." Lucius started weaving his web. He was trying his best to manipulate Magnus. He believed Magnus was pureblood because of his magical talent. The part about him being the inheritor of King Arthur too was guessed to be a blessing of Merlin.

"Do you know about your ancestor Merlin studying under Salazar Slytherin?" Lucius asked.

"Yes, I know that. He must have learned a great deal from Salazar Slytherin, to be able to rise to become such a famous wizard," Magnus replied by overemphasising on Salazar, wanting to see where Lucius was getting to.

Lucius smiled, "Yes, that is indeed the case. If it weren\'t for Salazar Slytherin, Merlin would have never been able to rise to heights. Salazar Slytherin was a great wizard with unimaginable power. But, sadly, his future generations all died. There are no descendants remaining, all except one, the true heir to Salazar Slytherin."

Magnus acted shocked, "Who is he?"

"A great man, who believes in us, the purest of blood. Under his command, the wizardkind will see a new era, where we rule all." Lucius dreamily explained.

He then finally announced the name, "His name is, LORD VOLDEMORT!..."

Magnus quickly put two and two together. ~So that dark wizard is after me? His followers are killing people?~

"Does Lord Voldemort wish for the service of an 11-year-old child?" Magnus asked.

"Haha, no-no. He is very wise and caring, he does not want you to do anything. He only wants you to study and get stronger, but, to show allegiance you will have to get a tattoo on your arm." Lucius said.

Magnus nodded. Lucius was already gloating inside his heart, thinking it was mission successful.

"What do you know about my family history?" Magnus asked suddenly.

Lucius was confused, "Of course, they must be respected pure-blood wizards, to be related to Merlin, you must have a long-long history."

Lucius was speaking nonsense now. He was not able to find out about any magical family related to Magnus. So he guessed that it must be some secret family.

Magnus shook his head, "Hah, no. you are wrong, my family are actually muggles. I am the first wizard in the family."

"AND... to the offer of Lord Voldemort... I REFUSE!..." He announced.

Nearly everyone present there stopped talking. Many had their eyes widened at the revelation. Especially Narcissa and Malfoy. The atmosphere tensed a lot, feeling as if an explosion would happen at any moment.

Lucius gritted his teeth so loud everyone could hear them, he was not a person to get angry so easily but right now, he felt betrayed, deceived, he even treated Magnus so well after what happened on the train, he lowered himself just to have a good image in front of him, but now, it was not necessary.

Narcissa, on the other hand, looked at Magnus in... pity?

Lucius got up from his chair, his worst guesses had turned true, "YOU FILTHY MUDBLOOD!... Deceiving US?... using US?... STAND UP!... SIT ON THE FLOOR! That is your rightful place. That is your worth, right on the filth."

Magnus did get up, with a calm and plain face, but his blue eyes now looked dark red. His chin held high in pride and confidence. He had already decided before coming to Hogwarts that he was not going to let someone bully him.

"So you got deceived by a filthy mudblood? What does that make you, a person with intelligence even lesser than a filthy mudblood? Ah, you are Ultra Filthy Pureblood then." Magnus talked back in a chilling voice.



Lucius had taken out his wand and its pointy tip was touching Magnus\' head.

"DO IT!" Magnus voiced with a smile.

Just then, Lucius felt something, he looked down, there was Magnus\' wand and its tip was touching his crotch.

His eyes flickered in a slight panic. He turned back to Magnus, "You wouldn\'t dare, MUDBLOOD!"


"Do you know we all have the same DNA? We are all humans of the same species, called Homo Sapiens. Ah, what am I even asking? Your primitive Chimpanzee brain cannot comprehend such complex concepts.

"I recommend you do it. Blow my head out, but I promise you, you will not be able to make little Malfoys with sweet sister Narcissa then. Malfoy family patriarch wouldn\'t want that, right?" Magnus mocked him, loud and clear, in front of all.

In his short time here, Magnus had learned one thing about Slytherin. That it was the law of jungle. The strongest rules all, now it was Lucius. But Magnus needed some followers too. Even 1 or 2 would be enough.

"I will kill you." Lucius was still enraged.

Magnus smiled, "DO IT!... but know one thing, you will be killing the last descendant of Merlin. The whole Magical world will be after your blood then. Not just yours, but your whole family. We\'ve even got enough witnesses."

It was a stalemate now. Magnus was getting tired of it. Lucius most likely didn\'t have the guts to do anything. He could only scare people.


~Thanks dad,~

Magnus kicked. A perfect army-style kick to the knees of Lucius from the side, making him fall to his knees. Next, like a dragon putting his claws on his neck, Lucius saw Magnus grabbing his throat. His grip was inhumanly strong and his eyes looked chilly.


"Before coming to this school, I was not playing in the sandbox in the park. I was learning, reading, and by reading, I knew there would be bigots like you. Lucius Malfoy, what should I do to you now? Should I end it?" He was, of course, bluffing, he couldn\'t kill someone like that. Also, he had never killed anyone and didn\'t want to do it at such a young age.

What he wanted was for Lucius to surrender. Lucius was shivering, as he couldn\'t breathe properly.

"Surrender, Lucius Malfoy," Magnus advised.

It was a huge humiliation for Lucius. He couldn\'t let this end here or he\'d turn into a laughing stock for entire magical Britain. He was a 7th year, an adult wizard, after all, losing to a 1st year was out of options.

"N-NEVER!... MU-DBL-LOOD!... CONFRINGO!..." Lucius instantly aimed his wand at Magnus and a bright yellow light came out of its tip, straight towards Magnus\'s head.



A/N: Confringo is a blasting curse.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

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