Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 48 - 48. FOOD WARS

That night, Magnus had to keep Duck close to him as he was scared that Chad would eat him. He could only hope for Duck to grow up and teach a fiery lesson to Chad. Also, he felt some kind of a connection building up with the dragon. He could feel the life in him. Tiny and excited to grow up.

"MEOW" ​​

"You sleep on the floor for trying to eat him. Stay quiet now. Professor McGonagall also told me what you did. She could have skinned your fur and sold it for a knut, you know. Have some common sense." He scolded Chad and went to sleep.


It was a Monday morning, and he hated it because this was the busiest day of the week. Also, because he had already learned everything till the 5th year, he usually felt bored. Though he was studying the 6th and 7th-year books now. He was genuinely interested in Runes. The runic knowledge he had received from that meeting with the leftover Merlin\'s consciousness needed him to have a decent understanding of normal runes. He had tried to translate Merlin\'s book he got from Dumbledore but had no luck for now.


Duck was acting active today and he had woken up a while ago. Magnus had simply put him on Ragnar\'s bed. Duck flopped his feet on Ragnar\'s face for a good 15 minutes before he woke up. He really slept like a dead horse.

On the other hand, there was Snape. Magnus recognised that he was the most diligent and hardworking of them. Why? well, because Magnus had a sharp mind, enhanced by his bloodline, Ragnar had the blessing that made him a good tier in Potions. But, Snape had nothing, no innate ability, a happy family or money. He wakes up at 4 every day in the morning and studies. He doesn\'t even take rest on Sundays, but thankfully, he looked better since he started talking to them.

"AAAAAA... MAGNUS!... Take Duck away... I will squish him if you don\'t." Ragnar shouted from his bed.

Magnus chuckled and took Duck. He was going to put a silencing charm and a notice-me not charm on him and keep him in his pocket the whole time.

"CHAD! go and bring milk from the elves. I know you\'ve been secretly going there, there is no other reason for the increase in 2 kilos in your weight." Magnus ordered.

Chad, like a good cat, ran out of the shaft. They were in the dungeons and it was an advantage for Chad.

They had History as the first 2 classes. It was by far the easiest subject for the three. Snape knew it because he was a good student, Magnus knew it because he was interested and Ragnar knew it because he was looking for Death Eaters before they were famous.

But first, it was breakfast time. Magnus was expecting his favourite food today.

"Ragnar, get up you dead horse, let\'s go for breakfast." Magnus went to annoy him.


"YES!... he did add pancakes to the menu. Now, I just need to ask mummy to send me the bottle of special syrup." Magnus cheered as he saw the breakfast.

"Why are you so fixated on pancakes? There is so much good stuff here, look at this chicken, this bacon, this beef. You want vegetarian food, here, fruits, tofu and whatever this is." Ragnar put all kinds of food in front of him.

Magnus chuckled as he put his arm around Ragnar\'s shoulder. "My friend, pancakes are the best, but if they are made by a master chef, they taste godly. The fluff, the smooth texture, the special syrup. Ah, it\'s way above what us mortals should get to enjoy."

"You\'re just wiping your hands on me, aren\'t you?" Ragnar asked with a deadpan look.


"That too, now, let\'s eat." Magnus tried to change the subject.


"Ah, sorry, Magnus, my hand slipped." Ragnar suddenly hit his head.

"What the... how? Your hand was not even close. I shall take revenge when I see fit, maybe when you sleep I will let Duck cuddle yo..."

Just as he was speaking, he was interrupted by his bane, his enemy, Emma. She had been missing the whole evening yesterday, Magnus was relieved as he didn\'t have to face any pranks from her.

She had an envelope in her hands and looked flustered, with red cheeks. She quickly handed him the envelope, "THANK YOU... see you in the trials."

With that, she dashed away. Magnus was still trying to understand what just happened, meanwhile, Ragnar and a few other Slytherin were already making noises.

"OOOOOOOOOO... Magnus got a love letter? OOOOOO...." Ragnar spoke funnily.

"What? Is this what people sound like when they have a wand stuck in their back?" Magnus talked back, making them cough and shut up.


Magnus turned to look where this spontaneous whistle came from. It was none other than Sirius and James. Magnus looked at them and smiled. They gave him a thumbs up. There was a reason for this.

"Look inside..." Ragnar excitedly nudged him.

"Hmm, let\'s see." He opened the envelope and saw a small paper in it. It was actually a card.

Ragnar took it quickly, "What is this? Eh, a permanent borrowing card for all bookstores in Diagon Alley? Does she not know how to confess?"

Magnus immediately took it from him, "Maybe she didn\'t want to confess. She\'s probably saying thanks for some other reason. I\'ll ask her later. Anyway, it\'s time for mail."

The food plates vanished from their table. Soon, a beautiful orange owl came in flying, it directly landed in front of Magnus.

"Haha, what a good boy. How are you?" Magnus patted and caressed the owl. The owl also enjoyed the pats.

Then it passed Magnus a small envelope and lifted the claws towards him as if asking "Where is my reward?"

Magnus chuckled, "Hmm, sorry, Summer, I forgot."

He had named the owl Summer because its orange colour made Magnus remember warm summer.

Summer got sad and put its claw down. Just then, suddenly Magnus snapped his fingers in front of the owl\'s face. Out of nowhere, a piece of cooked meat appeared.

"Haha, I was just kidding. How can your hard work be unpaid? Here... eat slowly." Magnus said laughingly.

Summer jumped for a few seconds in happiness and rubbed her head on his chin. Then happily ate the meat, not caring for any danger around her as she felt safe near Magnus.

Once done eating, she looked at Magnus, raised her claws and did a fist bump with him. Then she flew away to do more work.

"How do you get along so well with animals?" Snape asked. He was actually envying him because if he could also get so close to animals, then he\'d be able to harvest materials for his potions without spending money.

"Hehe, I am a natural charmer I guess. Okay, let\'s see what my mom and dad sent me." He happily opened the letter and read it internally.


This is your mum, sweetie. We are happy to know you are doing well. The things you sent us are also very interesting. Last evening, your dad got a cat\'s vomit flavoured candy. It was funny but also horrifying to think that at some point someone tasted it to know its taste.

We are in good health and very happy, but we miss you dearly and can\'t wait for Christmas to come. Keep studying hard and don\'t forget to enjoy yourself. Eat good food, don\'t keep on eating the pancakes.

It must be cold there, so wear warm clothes. How is your health? If your fever returns, quickly tell the doctor there and also inform us. I cannot say this enough, we miss you. Love you, your mummy.

Hey, son, this is your dad. She has already said it enough times, so I will not. But I get bored these days, there is nobody to ask me silly questions. We met Bobby the other day and he seems to be taking everything well. He has started his school, but I guess he would not share what happened there with anyone but you. He will send a later in a few days he said.

Also, please never send those candies again. I still feel that bad taste... ah, now I feel like vomiting...

I vomited. Well, we will be waiting for you, son. Tell me what you want to do for Christmas, we will do it.

With love, your dad.

[Letter Ends]

Magnus smiled and folded the letter back and put it in his pocket. He so much wanted to go to them and hug them tightly, but he had work to do for now.

~I\'m sorry, but I can\'t tell you two about these earth-shattering secrets about myself. They may put you in danger. I need a bit more time, to get stronger, then, we will live like true fat kings.~ He thought to himself.

Gathering his thoughts, Magnus looked around himself. It was time for the great prank as the breakfast time was about to end. He looked at Sirius, who also stole a glance at him.

Magnus, though, called another 1st-year boy. He had helped him with a few charms.

"Franklin, my friend, will you do something for me? I want you to give this to Sirius Black over there." Magnus requested.

Franklin was a half-heritage wizard, another word for half-blood but more tolerable. As they were just 1st years, they didn\'t have reservations about going to other house tables.

"Sure, Magnus." He quickly took the paper and went over.

Just when Sirius received the message, a loud firecracker burst into the air. And in that instant, all the boys of the Slytherin table jumped up. Their pants had turned into skirts, shorter ones at that.

Sirius and James laughed loudly, but then Sirius opened the note sent by Magnus.

"Haha, what does this mean?" Sirius chuckled.

The note said, "Law of Equivalent Exchange."


Another firecracker burst into the air. Now, all the boys of Gryffindor jumped up, their pants had also turned into short skirts and Magnus had gone further and made their hair grow longer and lips redder. Sirius and James were also caught in this.

Meanwhile, Magnus, Snape and Ragnar were unaffected.

"HAHAHA... look at them." Magnus laughed loudly. All the Slytherin students laughed, feeling much better because Gryffindor had it worse than them.

"YOU..." Sirius angrily threw a piece of chicken at Magnus, but he caught it and started eating.

However, this action of Sirius incited more turmoil and it soon turned into a food war between the two houses. Magnus was unaffected by it, he would sometimes catch food and eat it, while sharing it with cute little Duck in his pocket.

Ragnar and Snape were hiding under the table.

Professor McGonagall was about to stand up and shout but was stopped by Dumbledore. He was smiling and looking at what was happening.

"Look at their faces, Minerva. They are not fighting, they are playing. Usually, it would be only one side getting pranked, which would increase animosity, but today, because both are victims, they are not angry." He evaluated.

"But, this is a waste of food." She argued.

"It\'s okay, Minerva. I will fix all of it with magic later." He assured her and then looked at Magnus, who was laughing heartily.

"HAHAHA..." Magnus laughed.



He had not expected a friendly fire, Emma had slammed an apple pie in his face.

"OH, you just angered a sleeping dragon, Emma. FACE MY FURY." Magnus used his new disposable wand and launched pieces of chicken nuggets at her like they were bullets. She instantly ducked under the table to hide, but a big bowl of Melon Smoothy was waiting for her there.


"HAHAHA... I AM THE MELON KING..." Magnus laughed. Then he turned to Sirius.


A full melon struck his food-covered face. Sirius was shocked because this one was a bit painful.

"OH BOY... IT IS ON!..." Sirius also concentrated his fire.

Magnus dragged his two friends from under the tables. "Cowards, stand up and face the fight. This is a test from the heavens."

"MAGNUS, don\'t drag us into this mess. AND FOR GOD\'S SAKE, STOP EXAGGERATING IT." Ragnar pleaded.


A meat-pie struck Ragnar\'s face, "OKAY, WHO DARED TO ATTACK ME?"

It was a good day, much different from a normal Monday and it was a rare occasion because many Slytherin students and Gryffindor students were seen laughing in the joint Potions class together.


London, Magnus\' home.

"I don\'t know how long we can keep this a secret from him, Adam. He is very smart." Grace walked back and forth in the living room while biting her nails.

"I know. But we can not make him worried right now. What we need to know is who is targeting us. It can\'t be a coincidence that you were forced to step down from the department head position and given night duty. While I am transferred 4 hours away from here to a remote office. I feel this is deliberate." Adam said, he was angry right now but had no idea where to focus it as he did not know who was targeting them.

"I am one of the best heart surgeons in the country, while you are a known person in the engineering field. Why would anyone target us? We\'ve done nothing but given our lives work for this country when we could have easily taken a private job and earned millions." Grace frustratedly cried.


Adam hugged her to stop her from getting too upset, "I guess, talent does not mean much in this world. In the end, we are simple powerless people, a small part of this grand system. Too insignificant for them to think before moving us."

"Whoever it is, I hope they burn in hell." Grace cursed.

"Woah, my wife is turning into an angry dragon it seems. Don\'t burn me in your fire, your \'grace\'." He joked.

She chuckled, "Yes, I need to cool down. Let\'s hope we can do something about all this before Christmas."

[You can see Summer on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

[A/N: Hey, folks. Just wanted to tell you that I might only upload 1 chapter tomorrow. I will try my best to upload 2 though. The reason is that my wisdom tooth pain returned. And it is hurting like hell, I can\'t even eat or drink water. So, it depends on how much pain I am in. I will try to get the tooth removed though.]

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