Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 64 - 64. Merlin's Magic

Minister For Magic office,

Eugenia Jenkins was sitting in her office when an owl dropped her mail. It didn\'t come directly to her but her assistant brought it. It was directly addressed to her. The more she read it, the more her mind went numb. She started feeling suffocated. ​​

It came from Magnus and also Gringotts. The one from Magnus said things straightforwardly.


To the Minister of Magic,

This letter is to inform you that the only remaining descendant of Merlin wants his seat in the Wizengamot back as the seat is hereditary and Merlin was the founder of the Wizengamot.

Next, about my vaults in Gringotts. The bank is situated on the land inherited by me from King Arthur. I am yet to sign a lease of land to the bank because of what happened at Diagon Alley.

So, I have decided to not sign the lease anymore and everything on my land now belongs to me and only me. The goblins of Gringotts have agreed to work for me from now on and they will consolidate all the wealth in all vaults of Gringotts into mine.

In short, no Wizard will now have the right over their vaults or to enter my private property. If anybody does try, then the Goblins have my permission to attack to kill.


Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon.

[Letter Ends]

She quickly opened the next letter from Gringotts and read it.


"I am the Head Goblin of Gringotts Wizarding Bank. As discussed with His Majesty, Pendragon, we will only be serving him as a bank because he holds the lease of the land and we do not want to lose our bank. We will still serve some Wizards, but only if we have permission from His Majesty.

From now, all vaults are sealed. All previous keys are invalid. His Majesty has the ownership of everything inside Gringotts from now on.

If you have any grievances, please solve them with His Majesty first.

[Letter Ends]

her breathing became faster as she was in shock at what had just happened. She expected some kind of retaliation from Magnus for what the Ministry had done but this was so extreme. 99 per cent of wizards had all their wealth in Gringotts. By doing this, Magnus has made most of the British wizards dirt poor.

She held her head. The ministry also had its vault in Gringotts too. All of their funds are now inaccessible.


~We tried to take his money, so he took the money of the whole British Wizarding community. I hate it but I also understand his actions?~

*Knock Knock*

"Madam, there is a report submitted by DMLE. They said it\'s urgent." Minister\'s assistant came and gave a file.

Eugenia let out a sigh and waved her hand. She opened the file and her brows furrowed.

She started to internally read it. ~Report on the increasing attacks on Muggleborn Wizards. There have been 7 deaths in the past month and 20 missing Muggleborn. Besides this, there have been attacks on 3 pure-blood families who don\'t align themselves with the pure-blood theory.

After a thorough investigation, all these attacks have been found to be done by the Death Eaters, who follow a Dark Wizard, self-proclaimed Dark Lord, called Voldemort. The group was previously known as Knights of Walpurgis. All of its members were from Slytherin House. However, there may have been recruits from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and even from foreign schools within the ranks as well.

The faithful of the organisation get branded with the Dark Mark. This symbol, a skull with a snake protruding from the mouth, was used to summon his followers at will. We have seen this many times, even in the recent attack on his majesty.

Most of the Death Eaters belong to some powerful Pure-blood families which can not be named.

Requested to start concentrated attacks on these Death Eaters and declaring Voldemort and his Death Eaters as an enemy of the British Wizarding community and also declaring them terrorists.~

She finished reading the report from DMLE head and she could only sigh.

~Why did I even become the Minister? This tension will be the death of me.~


Magnus had not really stopped or seized accounts of all wizards. He did it only to those known to be dark wizards and all members of Wizengamot. Also the Ministry. As he had decided, if they were going to make his life tough, then he would not sit silently either.

But, he was a bit late. As Abraxas Malfoy had led a team of Aurors and 2 more members of Wizengamot to check the vaults of Merlin and Arthur as representatives of the Ministry and Royal Family. Their official pretence was they were here to check the security, while the real reason was to check how much wealth was there.

"We are hereby the order of the Ministry to inspect the vault of Merlin and King Arthur. We have all the necessary permissions." Abraxas Malfoy showed a document to the head goblin.

The goblin read it from his high seat. He looked at Abraxas in disgust as he knew what was truly happening. But, he did not say anything and signalled two goblins.

2 Goblins showed them the way to the vaults. They could have stopped this small team as the Gringotts had met with an understanding with Magnus a while ago. They were happy to help Magnus because they would be able to slap the faces of so many wizards by doing this. And they didn\'t have much choice in it either.

But because Magnus had allowed it, the goblins did not stop the team. In fact, they were told to rest easy and just watch. However, Magnus had no idea what was going to happen or what kind of security features the vaults had or what the curse he had put on Lucius would do to his father.

"How long till we reach the place?" Abraxas asked proudly. He considered Goblins lower species anyway so he never gave them respect no matter who it was, be it a normal goblin or even the head of Gringotts. He did not consider them much above house-elves.

"A little more, it is very deep underground." a Goblin replied with a frustrated look. He had been hearing the pretentious talks of the team of wizards all along and could only roll his eyes.

He talked to his buddy in Gobbledegook, "These humans are such fools."

"At least their king is smart." The other in replied.

"No, these ones are just too dumb. To think they can outsmart Merlin\'s blood." The previous goblin said.

After a long ride down. They came to the same volcanic island with huge gates. The heat was unbearable there and Abraxas felt uncomfortable. The two people beside him were the patriarch of the Black family, Arcturus Black III and the Patriarch of the Nott family, Nott Senior.

"Open it," Abraxas ordered.

"We cannot. There is no key or palm scan. His Majesty opened it somehow by touching it. But we don\'t know if it was special to him or anybody could open it." The goblin answered and stepped back.

"Useless..." Abraxas cursed at them.

"I will try to open it." Arcturus Black III decided. He was the eldest of the three and had the most knowledge of magic. He was the grandfather of Regulus and Sirius.

But greed had blinded Abraxas too much and he also had a personal score to set with Magnus after what had happened with his son. His family had been shamed heavily after the news of Lucius\' broken arm came in the Daily Prophet. He could not go to many parties with his head held high.

"No, I will do it." He confidently went ahead to open the gates by using magic.

"BOMBARDA MAXIMA..." he cast the strongest variation of the Exploding Charm. It provoked large, violent explosions capable of demolishing entire walls.


A cloud of smoke covered the entire area. Everyone stayed still until the smoke disappeared. They expected the scene of gold and riches on the other side of the door. But, all they saw was the door standing tall.

"As expected from Merlin\'s magic." A goblin talked in his native tongue.

Annoyed, Abraxas walked to the door to check it closely. "What is this thing made of?"

He raised his hand to touch it to feel its texture. It was cold... but it was getting hot very fast.

"Strange, why is it getting warm?" He wondered loudly.

He decided to move back and cast another charm.




"My arm is stuck to the door." He loudly exclaimed.

Seeing this, Arcturus and Nott ran up to him and tried to pull him back. 2 people from the ministry who had come along helped too. But it was not doing anything.

"AH... IT\'S GETTING HOT! MY PALM IS BURNING!" Abraxas shouted.

The 2 goblins did not help. One of them looked in pity, "Should we help them?"

"We can\'t, also, we were told to just watch them," the other goblin said in the native tongue.

Meanwhile, Abraxus started raging in pain. "MY ARM IS MELTING!... DO SOMETHING!."

There was pain, fear and helplessness in his eyes. Around them, the magma also started raging. It started boiling violently.

Arcturus then noticed, "OH NO... The magma is rising,"

Hearing him, the goblins also saw it. They quickly ran to the gondola lift. "We are leaving, if you want to come, come."


"We are ordered not to meddle in anything that happens here. We cannot touch the vault." a goblin clarified.


Abraxas started screaming. His arm had caught fire. The magma was rising rapidly too.

Then all of a sudden, a loud laugh started resounding in the cave. "YOU THIEVES. DARE TO CHALLENGE MY MAGIC? I, MERLIN EMRYS, WILL SEE YOU TO YOUR END."

The magma started rising faster. The whole door on which Abraxas was stuck started catching fire too as it looked bright red due to heat.

Scared, Arcturus and Nott let Abraxas go, not wanting to be burned or be cursed by Merlin\'s magic.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? HELP ME! NOOOO... DON\'T GO!... PLEASE!... I WILL GIVE YOU EVERYTHING!... TAKE ALL MY MONEY!... SAVE MEEEE..." Abraxas cried. But, the next moment, a big fire explosion occurred.


Arcturus and Nott were scared to their core. The whole setting was too scary, to be buried in a magma pit was not on their agenda for today. They did not even look behind and ran to the Gondola lift.

"GO, GO... GET US OUT OF HERE!" Arcturus shouted at the 2 goblins.

Nobody knew what had happened to Abraxas.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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