Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 77 - 77. COMMIES

Magnus took out the invisible portrait of Arthur from his case and hung it on the wall. Merlin was looking at his room for the first time.

Then, Magnus took out Summer and Duck out of his other luggage. The two were sleeping inside calmly after eating food to their heart\'s content. He put them on the bed and let them sleep while he went downstairs to eat dinner. ​​

"Do you want me to come too?" Ragnar asked.

"Why not, even if we talk about what is going on, there is no point in hiding as you will eventually know. Come now, I am starving." Magnus said.

Downstairs, the dinner table was set. Grace had cooked a big meal for them. Although they had lost the job, they had enough savings to enjoy their life for a few months.

"WOAH... this looks tasty. But I want pancakes tomorrow morning. It\'s been so long since I ate them." Magnus said.

Ragnar looked at him in confusion, "You just ate them this morning for breakfast."


"They were not made by my mummy. So, they don\'t count." Magnus clarified.

Grace chuckled, "Hehe, I hope you are not just eating pancakes there. Eating too much won\'t be good for your health."

"YES YES... let\'s eat now." Magnus sweated a little.

At the dinner, Magnus waited for his parents to discuss what was happening in their life. But they kept silent about it. Maybe they didn\'t want to talk about it on the first day he had arrived.

"Dad, where did you invest the money I gave you back when I saved it from all the interviews?" He asked.

Adam proudly replied, "I invested it all in a fruit company, though its founder said he will register the company later."

"Do you know the man?" Magnus inquired.

"No, it was the first time I met him at the convention. But he seemed very convincing, talking about the future of technology." Adam replied.

"What was his name?" Grace asked as even she didn\'t know this.

"Hmm, If I remember it right... It was something with Jobs as a surname. It\'s a strange surname so I remembered it. I got the document with me, he said he\'d give me a share in his new company." Adam explained.

Magnus shrugged, "We\'ll see what this jobs man does in the future. Dad, will you teach me how to handle guns?"

"NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! What if you injure yourself by mistake? It can be life-threatening." Grace immediately denied it.


Ragnar started coughing. Grace gave him a glass of water, "You okay, sweetie?"

"Yes... *Cough* yes... I\'m good." Ragnar said.

~This guy fought murderers and won. If anybody is in danger then it\'s his enemies.~ Ragnar though internally.

Magnus wanted to protest this ban but he saw his dad winking towards him so he stopped.

"By the way, mummy, I got a pet owl too. She\'s sleeping in my room. You can play with her later." Magnus revealed.

"Really? Aren\'t they dangerous?" She asked.

Magnus chuckled, "Haha, no-no. She is far from dangerous. She is the sweetest owl I\'ve met to date. The poor girl was bullied and injured by some bad kids. I saved her."

"You did well then. I will go and check up on her later. Ah... It\'s bedtime... You two should go and rest. You can go to meet Bobby tomorrow." Grace advised him.

Magnus also felt tired so he went to his room. Once inside, Ragnar asked.

"I thought you were going to tell them about yourself."

"I was, but I want them to tell me about their problem first. If it is related to me then I can explain it better." Magnus reasoned.

"What happened, Magnus?" Arthur asked.

"Someone\'s targeting my family," Magnus answered in one sentence.

"Let me guess, the royal family?" Arthur guessed.

Magnus shrugged. He did not have any idea who it was though even he was tilting towards believing what Arthur said.

"Huh, I have specifically told them on the stone tablet that if they try to harm you then they will die," Arthur muttered.

Merlin also spoke, "What is interesting is how are they still alive? What did they do?"

"I don\'t know, most likely stopping my parents\' employment," Magnus revealed.

Merlin caressed his beard and thought about it, "Hmm... then they must have not done enough to mortally put your family in danger. That is why they are still alive. They are walking on a very thin thread."

"That\'s why I want to make things sure before I do anything," Magnus replied.

"Hmm, does not really matter. They are living like fish out of their pond. They can either keep on jumping around and eventually die or take your hand and survive for the remaining of their life because their future is already set." Merlin remarked.

Arthur also added something at the end, "I don\'t have any animosity with them. I don\'t even know them. If you were born 200 years ago, the kings or queens of that time would still have gotten the same conditions as they are now."

"I hope they don\'t commit suicide by doing something stupid now." Magnus sighed.


Bobby had become a man of science now and was one of the busiest kids on the campus. Most kids knew about him creating his own company and it earned him some respect points.

His work these days only included studying the new computer he had bought and trying to make more programmes for it. But, learning computers was not an easy task as you also needed deeper knowledge of its hardware as well.

So, instead of just being dependent on the work to advance the tech, he also tried to upgrade the machine he already has. Also, he was now receiving some more software information about new tech from Intel company since Magnus had invested in it.

Yes, Magnus was able to invest in Intel with the help of his lawyer. Although it was not a lot, he was able to invest 8 per cent in the company and then increase his share to 15 per cent in the IPO. This way, Magnus won a seat on the board of Directors and got the information about all the juicy stuff happening in the company.

Today, he was headed to his school on his bicycle. He used to take the bus but because he needed to reach earlier to do some other work he took bicycle nowadays.

"Hmm, Magnus\' Christmas holidays must be close to starting. Can\'t wait to show him the computer." He muttered to himself.

"I wonder if he\'s still the same old Pancake loving freak?" he was talking to himself.


Bobby\'s bicycle skid on the pavement and fell. There were two tall men standing in front of him, wearing masks and looking intimidating.

Bobby immediately got alerted as he created some distance between himself and the two men.

"Who are you? What do you want?" he asked.

The two men immediately jumped at him. One easily grabbed his arms from behind.

"Haha, we want your brain, kid. We heard you are very smart in the way of the computer. WE WILL TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOU IN THE GREAT SOVIET UNION." the other man said evilly.

"I\'m just a high school kid. What do I have that your great Soviet Union does not?" Bobby asked.


Bobby\'s eyes flickered. He wasn\'t going to go down so easily. "TO HELL WITH YOU, COMMIES. BABY DESTROYER KICK!"

Bobby suddenly got out of the hold of the guy who had held him from behind and then kicked at his crotch.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA...." the attacker fell to the floor while holding his crotch.

Then Bobby took a small cylindrical thing out of his pocket and sprayed it on the eyes of the other attacker. "COMMIES WANT TO TAKE ME? HUH... I WILL TAKE YOUR EYES."

The other attacker too cried in pain and fell to the ground. But Bobby did not stop and kept on spraying.



"DO NOT LIE TO ME, COMMIE. MAGNUS IS NOT SO TALL. HE\'S A MIDGET!" Bobby refused to believe.

"FFFFU... NO NO... It really is me, BOBBY. LOOK AT MY FACE." Magnus took down his mask. In all honesty, Magnus felt more hurt for being called a midget than the pepper spray.


Bobby stopped spraying and looked at Magnus\' face. He had a big smirk on his face.

Seeing it, Magnus went into a rage, "YOU... YOU KNEW?"

"What are you talking about? I thought I was attacked by two commies." Bobby clarified.

"Then why are you smirking?... look at that face... you\'re holding laughter!" Magnus asked.

"Is it illegal to laugh?" Bobby said.

Magnus then ignored him and went to Ragnar and helped him up. "You could have gone easier on poor Ragnar. I hope his bloodline doesn\'t go extinct because of you now."

Magnus took down Ragnar\'s mask and saw his eyes were still widened.

Ragnar glared at Magnus and spoke in a painful voice, "DAMN YOUUUU MAGNUS!"

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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