Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 142 - 142. Followers

They arrived at the pub at the further end of the market. A lot of talking noise was coming from inside of the building. It was lively for sure.

He didn\'t stop and straight away entered. As soon as his feet rested inside, all noise died down and each person stood up with deep reverence and respect on their faces. ​​

Magnus then noticed that each of them had a copy of the new book in their hands. There were about 80 people in this room. Hell, all of them had small badges on their body attached, they had Magnus\' face on it, behind it was the UK flag. The badge was magical and had an animation of some kind. Magnus\' face would turn into fire and become a badass dragon, then the dragon would blow fire and his face would appear. It was obviously a good quality badge.

~Whoever made this must have a great business sense.~ he thought.

Magnus waved his hand, though feeling a little awkward as he was the shortest there. "Thank you for inviting me. Please be seated and eat. Have you appointed a leader as I asked last time?"

"Yes, your Majesty. It is me." A young man stood up. Most likely in his 20s. He had dark, slightly red-ish hair and a beard. He was decently tall but surely less than 6ft tall.

"Join me at my table then. I will address everyone after eating. It\'s been a long day today for me, so I\'m a little hungry." He told everyone and took a seat at the empty table at the forefront of a makeshift stage made there.

Soon, the man came to him and introduced himself, "Good to meet you, sir. I am Edgar Bones. I used to work at the ministry but grew to hate the job. Since then, I started helping these troubled people and they chose me as their leader."

Magnus was surprised, although he knew that Bones family was one of the good ones, still, they were a pureblood family. "Why would the heir of a pureblood family join the cause of muggle-borns and help them? Aren\'t you endangering your whole family?"

Edgar gave a smile, "I\'m asked this every time. Well, it would be right to say that I have selfish reasons. I do this because the girl I love and want to marry is a muggle-born too. Look there, she\'s sitting with our other Hufflepuf friends. Her name is Julie."

He waved his hand towards her, but she quickly turned her gaze away in embarrassment.

Magnus laughed, "That\'s very nice of you then. Do your parents accept this?"

"Of course not, that\'s why I hope that when all this mess ends, I can openly tell them and the world who I love, without fear of any kind of retaliation.

"I read the book about you. Your words have really inspired us all here. But I know how important secrecy is, so I made that badge for them, it\'s also a truth detector. If someone is lying, it would turn fully red. It reads heartbeats to catch lies.

"All people here are your followers, they are also slightly nationalistic now, I guess. Many of them live in fear for their and their family\'s lives. You are their hope, so, I hope you will show them a path. Otherwise, they will be left broken." Edgar said at length.

Magnus looked at all the people. Old, young, men and women, there were wizards and witches from all walks of life, united by their helplessness. But he knew that he could not really include all of them into his order. He only needed a select few people. But there was no problem in making them his followers.


Amidst his deep thoughts, a loud sound resounded, and someone fell from the first floor, breaking the wooden guard rail. Surely he was too drunk. Some people cursed him and helped him. Then, another one took out his wand and repaired the broken part furniture.

Seeing all this, Magnus\' eyes opened wide, as if a light bulb lit up in his head. He had an amazing idea, that could not only generate employment for all of these people but also help him in the long run. He looked towards the door, where Adrian stood and nodded. Adrian had brought in some trusted wizards from MEDA to secure the area when Magnus talks.

Magnus chatted more with Edgar and finished his dinner. Then he took to the stage, to talk to all of them.

"How many of you are from Hufflepuff?" He asked suddenly.

About 32 people raised their hands. Then he repeated the question for other houses. 33 were from Ravenclaw, 15 were from Gryffindor.

"How many from Slytherin?" He asked.

This time, Magnus also raised his hand, other than him, Severus was the only one.

"We\'re all from different houses, yet we\'re standing here together. Because we are being threatened. They say we are stealing their magic. Nonsense, they don\'t understand how magic works at all, or maybe closing eyes is easier than seeing the truth.

"To be honest, I put all the blame for what\'s happening on Hogwarts." He said, shocking many with the statement.

"Socked, right? Let me tell you why. As you all know, I was sorted into Slytherin, even though I had the qualities of all houses, in the end, the talking hat chose Slytherin because Merlin was from there.

"Do you see the problem here? In Hogwarts, kids are separated into houses on the basis of not just their traits, but also their blood. That\'s the reason why we see all the brainwashed children inside Slytherin with no muggle-born sorted into it.

"Tell me, how will the child, who came from a family of racist purebloods, who was brainwashed from a young age, get a chance to change his thinking if he again gets sorted with people who think just like him? Is it not possible that the brainwashed child could have become a fine young man if he was sorted in Gryffindor? With good friends, who could show him that there is no difference in them?

"This is going to be my agenda in the future, because to change society, we need to start from the bottom. Someday, all this mess of Death Eaters will come to pass, but then we can not sit and wait for another mess to arise." He gave the speech, which everyone silently listened to. All of them slowly came to agree with what Magnus said. Because they have seen this happen many times when they were in their schools. Each of them knew at least one Slytherin person who acted badly towards them.

Magnus once again started after he took a sip of water, "You came to me that day, to ask me to lead you. But, I can not."

He didn\'t wait for them to start shouting and clarified, "Not yet. I am too young, too weak, too inexperienced. Yes, I can defeat a few wizards, but that\'s because I use my brain while I fight.

"I am very busy too, because I am not just a wizard, but also going to be the king of the muggles of this nation. And I want happiness not just for my fellow magical folks, but also the muggles. I want no man, woman or child to be discriminated against, bullied or starved in this country, if possible the whole world. Remember, as long as both the wizarding and muggle world advances together, we can stay in harmony and be prosperous.

"I will take my throne in 1978. Until then, I will be working to gather the support of all the people in the country, and also across the globe. You want a leader, I will be the leader, not just for you, but for the whole country.

"Now, I ask you. Will you walk alongside me? On this journey of building a great nation?" He asked them all.

A second later, a chair dragging noise came. It was Edgar, he stood up, holding his right fist over his left chest as if it was a salute.



Every single person got up there, imitating Edgar\'s salute. Magnus felt awkward with this, he was not hoping to turn them into an army. But what\'s done is done.


Magnus responded with a similar salute, "THEN I PROMISE YOU, A bright future awaits us all. I am going to be creating a muggle company, named Emrys Constructions. Named after the great Merlin, who visioned a peaceful world but couldn\'t fulfil it.

"The work of this company will be simple, to create the world\'s best infrastructure in this country. From huge buildings to long tunnels to bridges. We will create the most successful construction company in the world.

"How will we do it? Of course, with magic. With Magic, we can use various spells to build something that takes muggle years. There are just 80 of you right now, and in the future, there will be hundreds.

"All of you will be employed by me, will get a good salary, not just that, I also own another magical yet muggle company, that does private detective work. There will be many more companies in the future, and lots of job opportunities.

"All of you must be wondering, how will this help you fight the evil and create a better world? Well, for the first part, you will be developing this country into a great nation with your own magic.

"Second, all of you will make money, get rich and that will lessen the economic gap between the purebloods and muggle-borns. The purebloods will not be able to use their money to do everything then.

"And for the final part, all of you will be receiving special martial magic training. Some promising ones from you will be given extra training, to lead teams of wizards to protect ourselves when they attack us.

"Remember, together, we are strong. But, let me warn you for one thing. I am a very compassionate person to my friends and allies, but merciless to enemies and betrayers.

"So, let\'s make a toast, for our vision, of prosperity." He lifted a glass of water. Others picked their alcoholic drinks.

"CHEERS!" He said and drank it. He was gloating inside. All these people are going to make him the most beloved king/person in the world. But he was also going to treat them amazingly. So they don\'t quit or betray.

"Edgar will remain your leader. A few more sub-leaders will be chosen by you. The first thing we are going to make is the world\'s biggest hospital. Because we are not really construction workers, we can only erect structures with magic and dig tunnels. The finer work will still be done by muggles, for example, electrification, plumbing, gardening and others.

For this, I have opportunities for your families, who know the existence of magic. If you have parents, brothers or sisters in the construction business, then tell them to come to me. I will give them contracts, so that in the end, your families may become economically strong." He offered them.

This was very enticing for them. A quick way to get rich. Many of their immediate family members were factory worker, construction worker, plumbers, some even doctors. All kinds of muggles who knew will be coming to Magnus for jobs soon.

"With this, I shall end this meeting today. Remember, don\'t let outsiders know too much about what happens in our groups. MAY WE PROSPER." He gave them this greeting. From now on, whenever they would meet each other, they would greet each other this way.

With this, Magnus had officially capitalised on the overpoweredness of magic in the world of muggles. A perfect balance of work will be made, a company that consists of muggles who knew and wizards will rise, making their name famous around the world.

Magnus was satisfied, he went to Edgar, "Come to my home tomorrow, we will talk about the finer details. Choose 5 sub-leaders, bring them too."

"I will, your majesty." Edgar saluted and saw Magnus leave.

Severus was in a daze though. He looked at Magnus\'s happy face, "I am very confused. Since when did you get so good at speeches and inspiring people?"

Magnus shrugged his shoulder, "Who knows, maybe it\'s Arthur\'s blood working. He was a great king, after all."

Severus nodded, "For a second, I felt terrified, you know. When they started saluting you. The only thing dividing you and Voldemort is that you stand on the side of the oppressed."

"Come on, Sev. Have some trust in me. Merlin says heaven and god exist, so, it\'s a reasonable wish that one day when I grow old and pass away, I want to reach heaven and meet god. So, I will keep on doing good things." Magnus assured him and called both Abe and George to send him and Severus home.

But at Magnus\' home, a good news was waiting.


While all this happened, thousands of people across Magical Britain bought the new book of Rita Skeeter. It was an ultimate success. People were curious about its name and when the news spread that it was related to Merlin\'s descendant, the demand increased like crazy.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

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