Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 156 - 156. Make A Choice

Oscar was not telling them anything, continuously denying everything again and again. He was by now beaten bloody, his clothes were dripping with his own blood.

"Veritaserum will make you speak," Moody said, making Oscar flinch. ​​

Eugenia just stood there, with folded arms and anger on her face.

"No, we don\'t have time for that. I know a much quicker way to know everything, with just a mere look in the eyes." Magnus suggested.

Moody nodded with this arrangement. All they cared about was finding the children.

"Adrian, hold him tight," Magnus ordered.

Adrian immediately went behind Oscar and held his arms. Magnus went closer and used his fingers to forcefully open Oscar\'s eyes.


Magnus didn\'t wait for his ranting to end, he had entered his mind. He was not gentle at all either, simply forcing open any kind of defence Oscar had come up with. It was very hard to find a master Legilimese as it was very tough to learn the subject. An average wizard could only create small enough defences that get them alerted if someone tried to enter.

Magnus ignored all the childhood memories and tried to see the recent ones. And he did not like what he saw, his head\'s veins popped up. The scenes were too sad, horrifying and gory.

Small children, begging for help, for mercy, while Oscar had his way with them. Beating them, he did horrible things to them. He never gave them food to eat and liked seeing them suffer. The children would eventually die from all the injuries and hunger.

Magnus now went harder on his mind. Trying to find out all about how he kidnapped all these children and how big was this kidnapping racket was. Slowly, he found everything.

Oscar was 50 years old, and he\'s been doing this for the past 30 years. He started during World War II, because during that time, the wizarding government was busy with Grindelwald, Muggle police were busy with the war and constant air raids. Poverty was on the rise, Muggle parents were desperate and worked long hours. Often leaving children behind. He would kidnap these children for his sick motives.

Sometimes, he even bought kids from parents who were too poor and had no jobs. Slowly, his appetite increased, but with the war coming to an end, he saw himself in more danger. So he took over a muggle gang in London, and with his secret help with magic, the gang flourished.

It had been active for the past 25 years and had kidnapped more than 1821 children. In just the previous 3 years, from 1970 to the present, they had kidnapped 178 children. Their crimes were on the rise because of the increasing inflation and people once again being pushed into poverty.

Of course, Oscar was not the only exploiter of children\'s. There were many sick humans in the muggle world too, sick, rich and powerful people. Including businessmen and politicians.

So, Oscar started providing them with his services. His magic was very helpful to him, as it helped him keep his tracks hidden. He also had an old house-elf, that obeyed his commands. The police didn\'t even know about the existence of his gang. As he killed every member whenever one was caught.

Later, he used these same powerful people to keep his business going. Now, he even sold children abroad and was also expanding his gang abroad. Mainly in the poor countries of Asia, South America and Africa. But, kids from developed countries were the most expensive.

Magnus was sickened by this. He was young and had never thought such a thing could even be possible. He had only heard about child trafficking, so this was an eye-opener. And honestly, seeing such things was making him grow too fast.

What was a child\'s greatest treasure? His ability to stay ignorant. Because only then can they play and enjoy things with no worries. But, as they grow and find out about the real world, they grow up, because they start to care, they start to be less ignorant of their surroundings.

Magnus had found out about this dark side from the day he was attacked outside Gringotts. He was taught at the age of 11, that if he wanted to live and be happy, then he must grow up and fight.

He didn\'t feel it. But his pure childish innocence died that day, somewhere among the barrage of various colourful charms and curses, meant to take his little life away, even before his wings grew and he saw the world. The big world would be this cold... his mummy had never told.

And with the cries of those children being his wake up alarm, today, he saw the worst of humanity.


Magnus returned from Oscar\'s mind and took a very long breath. He felt like vomiting but controlled himself with long breaths. His ears were still ringing with the cries of pain and helplessness.

He looked at Oscar in pure fury. "You are the lowest of the lowest scums I have ever met. I wonder if people like you should be considered even lower than the Dark Lord. He\'s a baby killer, but you kill children\'s minds and souls while they are still breathing. You used this magic to do all these crimes. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT OVER THIS MAGIC!"


With two swift swings of his swords, Magnus cut down Oscar\'s two arms from the torso. So that he may never ever hold a wand in his life.

"THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF YOUR SUFFERING." Magnus coldly said. He then used an incendio charm and burned the bleeding wounds of Oscar.

Everyone was shocked by this outburst. "What did you see?" Dumbledore asked him. But he knew it must be something too bad.

Magnus took out a small vial from his pocket, then put his wand at his temple and dragged out a memory. The memory of what he saw in Oscar\'s head. The blue earthworm-like magical residue came out of his head. He stored it in the vial and handed it to the Minister.

"Do you have a Pensieve?" He inquired.

"Yes, it\'s in my office." She replied and already started walking.


They all saw the memory.

"MERLIN\'S ARSE... THIS IS... Too much." Moody cursed loudly. His breathing was unstable and his staff made noise as he tapped it continuously on the floor in anger.

Eugenia was just sitting on her chair, looking at the ceiling.

"We were so busy focusing on the devil in the light that we ignored all these devils looming in the dark," Dumbledore muttered.

Magnus was also sitting silently, tapping his foot on the floor with a feeling of uneasiness. He looked at the Minister, "This is the reality of Magic. Anybody can use it to exploit the muggle world and their lack of knowledge that we even exist. You, as the Minister, are supposed to keep all such things in check. But if you don\'t even stand up against the devils in the open, like the Death Eaters and Voldemort, how can we expect you can do something about many more Oscars hiding around somewhere?

"Professor told me that you are not on their side. He told me that you want to fight them. How will you fight them if you refuse to take a side? What do you even have to fear? Their money? Their influence? I got it all, much more than them. The only thing I lack is an army, but I suppose you have plenty of honourable wizards in the ministry like Moody.

"So make a choice, Minister."

They all turned silent now. Only the noise of all the people outside going on with their lives was heard. Unaware that a monster had been unearthed today, right where they walked right now.

Eugenia then moved on her chair and started, "I am 70 years old, Mr Pendragon. I have a husband and a son, he is twenty years older than you. I have sent my son to work in MACUSA because it was safer there.

"If I can\'t even make this place safe for me to live with my own family, while holding this office, I should be ashamed of myself.

"This was what I used to tell myself in my first days in the office. Then I was shown the reality by some members of the Wizengamot. I tuned myself to their songs. Thinking there was no hope.

"Then you came, the descendant of Merlin and King Arthur, such scary bloodlines. But I never had any expectations from you, because I knew this place was beyond a child\'s ability to repair. But, you proved me wrong, many times by now.

"Dumbledore stands behind you, and so do many other wizards. Muggleborns love you, and evil fears you. But I serve all wizards, not just muggle-born, half-bloods or purebloods.

"However, you are right. I must choose a side. So, let\'s end them and clean this place up, it\'s too gloomy. I\'m very sure I will end up dead soon, but I will try to fight them till my last breath." She replied to Magnus.

Magnus accepted her words, "I will not let you die. Now, let\'s go, we have some children to save. Oscar must face the law, of both Muggle and Magical administration. The families of the poor children who died must get justice.

"And I have already planned everything on how we will proceed. Minister, Rita Skeeter is here, give her an interview and tell her that I, you and Dumbledore caught Oscar and uncovered all this.

"While I go to the muggle side and deal with his gang. Professor, you don\'t need to come, Adrian will be with me. But I do hope you can intimate the Prime Minister about the storm that is about to arrive." Magnus advised and left with George and Adrian, but not before he personally briefed Rita on what to really write in the article.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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