Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 177 - 177. Development


Magnus read the newspaper headline. It was another day and another breaking news. He was using his newspaper to the fullest. If the Daily Prophet was used as a tool to spread fear, Magical Daily was being used to spread the bad image of the Death Eaters and give hope to the people that these criminals were nothing but degenerates of the society. ​​

Winter had come. His mood was also very good. Not only did he get a Basilisk as a pet, but he also found out that the Warrior Goblins had claimed a big bounty.

He appreciated that some people were taking part in all this, albeit due to their greed. He hoped that these Goblins wouldn\'t just stop now as there was a lot more money to be made.

November was about to end. Soon he\'d be going home for the winter holidays. There was an option of staying at the school too but he\'d rather go as he had work to do on the muggle side of the world too.

"Hey, Mag. I needed your help with something." Severus came to him. They were in the dorms right now. Magnus was just reading a runes book. Ragnar was also in the room, doing some experiments in the corner.

Magnus looked at his friend, "What is it, Sev?"

"I\'m going to be filing a patent for a charm. It\'s called the Muffliato charm. Muffliato Charm is a charm used to fill the ears of any person in the vicinity of the caster with an unidentifiable buzzing sound so as to allow for conversation without being overheard. I think this will be a very popular charm in the future.

"I made it by deconstructing the Sonorus charm," Severus revealed.

This was a great achievement. How many 2nd years could say they made a spell?

Magnus quickly got up and gave a brotherly hug to him, "Severus, my brother. You are awesome. So, tell me what you plan."

"I have planned nothing, I know about patents for Potions and they are very easy to get and also enforce. But in the case of Charms, you can not enforce it as anybody can use it. All I want is credit for it." Severus explained his problems.

Magnus clapped, it was so easy to solve this problem, "Haha, don\'t worry, Sev. I got everything covered. 1st, you need to get this invention registered in the Hogwarts spellbook. Professor Slughorn would be happy to do that. After that, I will send a letter to the Minister of Magic, she will make sure your spell gets official recognitions.

"Once all this is done, I will get the news posted in the papers. I can\'t imagine how shocked people will be." Magnus planned everything and explained.

From the wall, Merlin scoffed, "Huh, what shock? They should bow to you three. You are the three dragons, the three golden boys of Slytherin, bringing it back to its previous glory."

Magnus scoffed, "A house whose head kept a murderous 1 look killer snake in the school never had any glory. What I\'m doing might as well be called cleansing."

"Bwahaha... He\'s right, Merlin. Your house was pathetic. You yourself said that to me." Arthur voiced.

Merlin sneered at him, "That was for the students, not the house."

Magnus ignored them and talked with Severus, "Just write 2 applications for the spells. You\'ll get your due recognition, don\'t worry."

"What about the Order\'s recruitment?" Severus asked him.

"I have selected two people. That Hufflepuff student named Doug and that south African girl from Ravenclaw. I think we should keep the order well-diversified so our influence can reach the world." Magnus revealed his plan.

"I have also found a possible cad..."

"YES YES YES! I DID IT!" All of a sudden Ragnar started jumping.

"What did you make? A spell?" Magnus asked him.

But Ragnar excitedly came to Magnus and showed him a slate-like thing. It was decently thick but in a palm-size square shape.

"This is?" Magnus asked.

Ragnar proudly puffed his chest out, "This is the world\'s first solid-state battery. What do you think? Isn\'t this amazing?"

It took Magnus a few seconds to realise Ragnar was talking about the project Adam had started back at home. It was now stuck at the battery phase.

But this was a crazy big achievement. Magnus knew this as he had also tried to help his dad and in the process learned a thing or two about the batteries and their big companies.

"Are you sure? If this is true, you\'re going to revolutionise the world." Magnus praised him.

Ragnar embarrassingly smiled, "Hehe, it wasn\'t all me. I just did some very important experiments and debugging the problem. It was jointly made by me and dad."

"Wanna tell him right now or give him a shock in the holidays?" Magnus inquired.

Ragnar chuckled, "Actually, I was hoping to give a shock. But, I want to make a big stockpile of large batteries by then, so he can start testing the car immediately."

"We will help you in making them. Let\'s go to the room of requirement later today. For now, let\'s head to the grounds or else Emma will start eating my head for not coming to teach her flying. You too, Rag, follow me." He decided and dragged his friends out.


Magnus may have decided to relax a little and teach flying on brooms. His enemies were having a very bad day.

"Who stole the Basilisk? I want the truth." Bellatrix raged at the various Death Eaters.

"Calm down, Bellatrix." One small warning from the Dark Lord was enough for her. She melted in desire and fear.

"This was another ploy from that boy, the so-called dragon. He is trying to destroy the image of Death Eaters. But, he is forgetting that snakes are venomous. We are still amidst gaining power in the Ministry and the rest of magical Britain, so we don\'t want a full-scale war yet, but we shall start hurting their interests." Voldemort addressed his death eaters.

But, then he noticed an empty chair and felt annoyed, "Where is Antonin Dolohov?"

Rodolphus Lestrange answered, "We have not been able to talk to him, my lord. He seems to have disappeared."

"Betrayal? Find him, and if he has indeed betrayed, teach him what we do to traitors." Voldemort angrily ordered.

After that, he dismissed the meeting. Lucius then asked him as nobody was around them, "When are we going to deal with him? He\'s getting stronger and more famous. People have started to believe in him."

Voldemort patted his shoulder softly, "Don\'t worry, my most faithful student. I have started a series of plans. Next year, in his 3rd year, we will kill him, just outside Hogwarts. It will tell them, that nobody is safe, no matter where you hide."

"Who will be participating in this hit?" Lucius inquired. He was itching to kill Magnus.

"Everyone, and some of our new allies from the Forbidden Forest. Come, we need to leave. It is time to bring the giants into the fold." Voldemort said and headed out.

He had already started planning for his final push for the takeover of magical Britain. His main target was the Ministry and Dumbledore, the so-called strongest wizard. As long as he is able to do this, he can rule Magical Britain, and from there, he will focus on the muggle world.


Hogwarts Grounds,

"How the hell do you fly so fast, Magnus?" Emma confusedly asked while being on a broom.

Magnus chuckled, "Are you sure you\'re not heavier than me? I told you about the technique before, try to make yourself streamlined. I just taught you about aerodynamics."

"But, my speed is still not increasing." She complained.

"Because you\'re not adjusting your legs. You\'re too afraid of falling down. Just main yourself streamlined with respect to the broom." Magnus instructed her.

But, while they were practising, a red-haired girl also arrived with her broom. She happily asked, "Magnu, can I join too?"

Magnus looked at Lily on the ground. Well, he knew saying no would be rude. ~Let\'s just treat her as a friend.~

"Sure, come on up. I will teach you how to fly fast too. But first, you\'ll need to learn how to fly slowly," He invited her up.

But Emma was fuming after seeing this. So Magnus defused the situation, "We\'re all friends here, we can help each other. After that, we will do a race."

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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