Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 184 - 184. Catfish

The letter started speaking in an exaggerated girlish tone. The voice was so melodious that it almost sounded like a young maiden.

Magnus had recorded his message passionately in the 1st-floor girl\'s bathroom, the same one where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was. ​​


5 days ago.


"What are you doing?" Myrtle asked while flying around him.

"Recording a prank. I\'m going to make a fake love letter. Okay, you can help me. Tell me if I sound like a girl." He said.

Myrtle agreed happily, she was bored anyway.

Magnus then coughed a little, trying to set the right tone for his voice. He wanted it to be perfect and sensual so that Sirius would fall deep for this one.

♫Oh, my looove... I missed you so much. Ummah...♫


"Woah, I felt my non-existent body shiver. It was so girlish. If I was not seeing you I would have thought a very pretty girl was saying it." Myrtle praised.

Magnus, proud of his achievement, finally focused. What he just said was a sample, now he would be recording the letter.



"Umm... I-I am Sophia Gonrys Antnus. I really like your hair, Mr Sirius Black. You are so handsome, that when I saw you, my heart skipped a beat. You felt like a gust of spring wind in my gloomy life.

"Hehe... *Blushing girly laugh.*

"Your voice is a symphony to my ears that gets me through the long boring days of Hogwarts. Just a glance at you every morning makes my mind happy.

"I see you lose points for Gryffindor every day, it\'s honestly very manly and you look so cute in detention too. You are truly a man among men.♫

"What else should I write, Myrtle?" Magnus asked her, as he was just bullshiting all this time aimlessly.

"Oh oh... describe yourself too. Make him feel you are some kind of a godly beauty." Myrtle suggested.

"Good idea," Magnus replied and continued.

♫My amber eyes long to see you again, Mr Black. These long days away from you are like weights of stone on my soft pale body.

"I wish I could be by your side, we would have looked like the perfect couple, you and me, both with dark black hair.

"OH! My charming prince, I\'m afraid, on these cold nights, with you in my mind, I won\'t be able to control myself from touchin...

"I will eagerly await your reply.

"Yours, Sophia♫

"PUT A KISS MARK TOO..." Myrtle suggested.

"I got no lipstick," Magnus said.

"Follow me, I got some of them here." She quickly went to a corner of the washroom.

Magnus confusedly asked, "How did you get a hold of them?"

"It\'s nothing, many girls used to come here to groom themselves, I used to scare the living hell out of them, they would run away leaving everything behind." She replied and showed him the stash.

Magnus took out the one that looked unused. He didn\'t have the gal to really put it on his lips. He used the space between his thumb and the index finger. He purposefully made the mark faint.

"Done," Magnus was satisfied with his performance.

"What do you think, will he fall for this?" Magnus asked her.

"If he does not, then I\'m going to question his gender," Myrtle stated confidently.


"WOOOAH! Sirius, my boy. You\'ve got girls going crazy for you. She seems mad in love." James started taunting Sirius.

But Sirius was confused, "I don\'t know who this girl is. I don\'t think there is any girl in Gryffindor with this name."

"Fool, of course, she won\'t tell her real name in the first letter. You need to write back. And did you hear, she had back hair and amber eyes, a perfect match for you." James had already started to nudge him to chase after her.

Sirius scoffed, "Huh, why would I talk to someone I don\'t even know. What if she turns out to be some fat chick?"

"Come on, look at this lip mark, if it was a fat girl the lips would have been giant. At least try to talk to her, after a few letters ask her to send a photo." James suggested him.

In defeat, but under secret puberty sexual tensions, Sirius agreed. "What should I write?"

"Just speak praise for the letter, we don\'t know what she looks like so we can\'t talk about that," James said. He was trying to be the perfect wingman.

"Fine, I will try." Sirius wrote it. James then used their owl to send it. The address was a rented PO Box.


Magnus had returned home after giving the gift to Arthur. The man was too grateful for this, as those things were going to help him a lot in terms of money, as he could save more from his meagre income now.

But his income was going to increase now as he would be made the head of the division of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office. The budget of the division was also going to increase as they would be focused on helping Magnus find good things among the trash the division collected in all these years.

On top of this, he also called the queen to tell her about the successful invention of Adam and that they should start the final preparation.

But, she instead asked him to come directly to her office so they could plan ahead for everything.

Magnus asked George to take him to her office. The queen was already waiting for him there.

"Hello, Granny Liz." He greeted her and took a seat.

"You do know that I am not that old." She reminded him.

"But you do like being called Granny?" Magnus countered.

She chuckled, "A fair argument. *Sigh* How are you? You really can\'t sit quietly, can you? I\'m afraid if the world knew even 1 per cent of your business achievements they would have started calling you some weird names.

"Oh, and I checked the hospital building a few days back. It\'s coming along very fast and beautiful. The buildings are going to look marvellous. I\'m afraid, some people might simply go there to take pictures."

Magnus laughed, "I hired the best architect after all. Dad\'s invention is going to break the market though. With the revelation of his invention, the Oil Market is going to take a dip. So if you want to make some quick bucks, short it. But only for a day or two. Oil is still the king of fuel after all."

Elizabeth was certainly going to trust his words when it came to money. She had commissioned an investigation earlier into his assets. And to her shock, all of his assets were giving him mad returns.

"So, how are you going to announce him? What is the reaction of the nobles?" Magnus asked her.

By now, all high-level nobles had been manipulated to believe in the existence of Adam.

"They are eagerly waiting for the return of Adam back in the family. I have fabricated a story already. We will tie this invention with the reason for his disappearance. I will tell everyone that I tried to make Adam return but he refused as he wanted to focus on this project of his. And he had made a bet with me that he will only return if he is able to complete his invention.

"All the backlash, all the public opinion will be controlled by the media, but I hope you can help when it comes to the foreign media." She explained her whole plan.

Magnus agreed to it. They just needed to make the announcement, the rest will be done by the propaganda. For now, Magnus felt better knowing he didn\'t need to do all this to Magical Britain as they already see him as the de-facto king.

"And when are you going to announce this?" Magnus inquired.

She smiled, "On Christmas, Magnus. The country will get you as their Christmas gift on that day, albeit they will realise the preciousness only a few years later."

And so, the plans were made. Magnus talked to her a bit more about this and that, then he returned, only to find an owl, caught by Summer. The poor owl was meekly sitting in the corner, waiting for Magnus to take the letter.

"Haha, what did you do to him, girl? He looks so scared. Come here, boy, give me the letter." Magnus patted the owl and took the letter.

It was a normal letter, but as soon as he read the name of Sirius on it, he howled in laughter and called Ragnar, "BWAHAHA! RAG! COME HERE! Sirius took the bait."

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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