Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 216 - 216. Oil Deal

Magnus was brought to a room, it was not big but looked very luxurious, it had so much gold stuff that even a single light bulb there was enough to illuminate the whole room.

There was a big television on one side on which the 1973 Star Trek: The Animated Series was running, on the other side was a nice couch, with side tables full of tasty food and fruits. ​​

"Haha, welcome to Saudi Arabia, Magnus." King Faisal got up with enthusiasm and went forward to give greetings to him.

Magnus reciprocated, "Likewise, Faisal. It seems you are enjoying your life to the fullest."

He heartily laughed, "Haha, I love this television, entertainment at the confines of your comfortable home, what better can a man ask for? Come and sit with me. It will just be the two of us talking."

Magnus understood his meaning, he looked at Mountbatten and nodded. The old man receded from the room. King Faisal\'s assistants also left the room and closed the doors. Now, only Magnus and King Faisal relaxedly sat and watched the television.

"So, I had thought just sending Lord Mountbatten would have worked. Now I\'m here." Magnus said tiredly.

"Well, it\'s a big deal you\'re asking for, and it\'s better we discuss it at our level directly. I am not really in favour of turning oil into a political weapon, it\'s bad for business. But other countries do favour it and I can\'t defy the majority and make them my enemy, I share a border with them." Faisal started.

Magnus nodded. He picked an apple and took a bite before saying, "I can understand, even I can\'t openly make special agreements with you as I need to keep a good balance between relations with Saudi Arabia and the United States. So, what are your concerns regarding the deal?"

"The concern is that eventually someone from a department will find out about this deal, and if I don\'t have anything worth to show my people, they will feel I betrayed my country.

"Your plans for the industries are not going to happen anytime soon, so what can you give me that I can show to everyone?" Faisal asked. He wanted to value his friendship with Magnus, but, he was also the king of Saudi and he had obligations to fulfil. He could not be seen as someone selling their country to the westerners, or else his death would be just one assassination away.

Magnus thought hard and long about what to give him. From among his companies, MEDA was already present here, but it did not employ any Saudi wizards. Then there were many more of his companies but opening them here would be very counterproductive. However, he came up with two plans that could really be lucrative.

"Faisal, I heard a lot of government authorised infrastructural plans are going to be launched soon? What if I can help you find the best yet most cost-friendly company in the world to build everything for you in record time?" Magnus asked.

Faisal connected the dots and laughed, "Haha, you\'re talking about Emrys Constructions? Ah, what a marvellous name and company. I tried to do the same here,"

"And you failed," Magnus took the jab. Not everyone could just copy his business model and be successful. Magnus was only able to do what he did because he was popular and the situation Voldemort had created.

Faisal sighingly replied, "Sadly, wizards are too proud of themselves and refuse to work together. You are lucky that you have such a fan following they are ready to work for you."

"So, what do you think? I never planned to expand my company here so fast but for you, I can open a new office in Riyadh. They will participate in bids like anyone else and quote the lowest price than anyone in the room. But let me tell you, if anyone quotes lower than us, then they will probably be scamming you.

"Just imagine, in one year, you can showcase tall buildings, train lines to the people of the country, firming your grip on the political field more. If you want a building, we will build it. If you want an airport, railway track, or any skyscraper, we can make it.

"Beyond this, I will tell FuterTek to open a research facility here, to explore the possibility of starting a semiconductor and chip manufacturing industry here. Trust me, these chips are the future, every single electrical device will use them, they can give you billions of dollars in just taxes in the future." He offered. And his offer was very sincere.

Faisal can save a lot of money by hiring Emrys Construction.

"Fine then, I will sell you the oil." He accepted the agreement.

Magnus actually knew that the United Kingdom itself had enough oil reserves to keep itself going for a long time. But the thing is that they did not extract that much as of yet. So, they had more needs.

He was happy that the current crisis was resolved. "Faisal, I have another proposal. In this, there is only profit for you and only loss for me. But I need these things."

King Faisal\'s eyes shined. This should be something pretty big. "Sure, tell me about it."

"I want us to sign an agreement that you will sell Britain oil at a cost price for the next 50 years," Magnus suggested.

"WHAT?! Are you joking? What will the horse eat, if it befriends the grass?" Faisal protested.

"Calm down, for doing this, of course, there will be big benefits for you. I will provide you with a new variety of seeds that can grow in this desert country too. What I am offering you is a green revolution. Your country can become self-reliant when it comes to food." He offered.

He knew that for the coming two or three decades, oil was still going to be the main driver of the economy. If he could reduce the money Britain spent on it he could gain a lot.

In truth, if Magnus didn\'t have the plans to create a greater Britain, he could\'ve just used the domestic oil reserves. But he was going to expand, and they will need oil too. Thankfully nobody knew it yet. So from this point of view, he was winning big time.

Faisal fell into contemplation. Britain was their number 13 purchaser of oil and if he sold the oil at the price they produced it, the losses would be visible. But if he can really get these seeds and take the goodwill of people all for himself then he might just become the most loved Saudi king in history. His country was already a surplus producer of dairy products and meat, if he could also produce grains then it would be great.

"So, what do you think?" Magnus asked.

"When can you provide these seeds?" Faisal inquired

"Not anytime soon, they are still in the experimental stage, once they are tested for health and safety, I will give them to you. Let\'s sign a letter of intent for now and as soon as I get the seeds, we can move ahead with that deal." Magnus suggested. Ragnar would still need some time to master Spagyric, better known as plant alchemy.

"Then, let\'s just sign the oil purchase deal for now. The next bids for the infrastructural projects will start this coming Monday, so be sure to send your people." King Faisal informed him and also signed on the selling of 15 million metric tonnes of oil. With this, even if the conflict lasted till next year\'s march it won\'t be a problem for Britain.

With this work done, Magnus decided to leave, he had to go back to Nicolas and continue his training. He could not afford to be lazy in his studies.

"Well, thanks for the deal then. I will return now, I have a lot of work to do. Lord Mountbatten will stay here to oversee the shipment. See you later, Faisal." Magnus said goodbye.

"Ah, stay for the evening, Magnus. There is going to be a party." Faisal tried to stop him.

"I can\'t, and I am really tired of all the parties now. They are the most tiring part of being a royal to me." Magnus sighingly said.

King Faisal chuckled, "Well, I\'ve been to your European parties, they are not really fun, too much bootlicking. Here, a party means a party where one can enjoy. But... oh... you shouldn\'t really come to the party, I forgot you are still underage and there will be a few... belly dancers."

Magnus shook his head, the old King was in his 60s but was still strong in body, probably due to some potions his people fed him.

"Thanks for hosting me, see you in the future." He waved goodbye and left the room. King Faisal stayed to chill, watch television and eat.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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