Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 238 - 238. Buying Land From Bad Folks

Regulus had given the warning. Magnus needed to take it seriously or else he might suffer. For this, he had started to develop some weapons for himself. These were small and could be produced on a large scale.

They will also be given to his army, which mainly consisted of 40 people from the Emrys construction, as they were originally the creator of the Army of Merlin. The company though employed 700 wizards from around the world. The thing was, many wizards in poor countries wanted to do something legal to make money but there were not many opportunities, so Emrys Construction and MEDA\'s headhunting department found them and employed them. ​​

So, Magnus got together with Ragnar and Severus to develop something useful.

"So are they going to attack you this winter? Have they gone mad?" Ragnar wondered. Continuous wins and their constant upper hand in this conflict had made him think they would always be the winner.

But Magnus was not such a fool. "Yes, and I expect them to do it. Remember, as long as the Dark Lord has his plans of world domination, he must go through me first. Only after he has killed me and Dumbledore can he proclaim himself as the strongest wizard in the world.

"But... But there were also those ancient secret wizards living in seclusion? Didn\'t Merlin say these wizards could alone destroy the world?" Ragnar asked.

"Come on, Ragnar, even if they are real, they didn\'t come out during World War II. No Japanese secret sage wizard came out when the nukes were dropped. They either don\'t exist anymore or just don\'t care about what happens with the world." Magnus speculated. "And if it\'s about destroying the world, I think I can do it with Merlin\'s staff, it\'s not a big deal for a strong wizard. Just keep on detonating a good big charge at an interval inside the deepest part of the Mariana trench and the whole ring of fire will erupt. Continue to do it and it will start something at least."

"What do you suppose we build?" Severus asked, changing the topic from the destruction of the world.

"Hmm, something explosive maybe. Not a bomb, it can be neutralised by any wizard with a simple protege charm. I want something more damaging, that can put down an enemy." Magnus stated the requirements.

The three started to brainstorm their plan. Magnus was good at alchemy so he could think of going by that method, while Ragnar and Severus thought about it from a potioneer\'s side.

"What about a bomb that affects the mind? Let\'s say, throwing it into a crowd makes people fall unconscious, but it won\'t be because of some gas, but instead a mental electromagnetic wave, similar to Legilimency." Magnus suggested.

"But... it will affect our allies too. We won\'t be able to fight close by then." Ragnar argued. So they scrapped this idea for now.

"Hmm, to defeat someone, we need to take their wands from them. So, we need to come up with a method that takes away their wands. Since most wizards use wands to even apparate, they won\'t be able to escape." Severus suggested.

"Accepted," Magnus agreed immediately. This was going to be like a wide area disarming spell.

"All right then, we are going to need to use Alchemy and charms for it then. Like how an Expelliarmus forces whatever an opponent is holding to fly out of their hand, we need to replicate this effect and make it so it does it to everyone in the vicinity. However, how do we make sure our allies don\'t get disarmed?" Magnus asked.

Ragnar suggested then, "I KNOW! Make it intent-based."

And so they proceeded to create it.


During the same time, back in South Africa, everything had gone successfully. Nelson being the new President, he quickly initiated the reform in the constitution. According to this, the new governments must have representation for all. There was a minimum of 3-10% reserved seats for each minority ethnic group in the country, and there was no majority cap. Whites, Blacks, Indians, South East Asians, East Asians, all had their representation. A minimum system was created so that no community feels left out.

Next, Roger created a new government department, that would work free from the clutches of the President. The department will be called Anti Corruption Bureau. They will investigate anyone from the government, and if corruption is found their names and evidence is handed over to the President, Vice-President, the Speaker of the assembly and they must declare it to the public within 24 hours of the end of their investigation.

What if the President or the Vice President are the ones who are corrupt? Then the evidence was to be still declared to the public and shown to the National Assembly, as well as the National Council of Provinces.

In short, no matter at which level you sit, there would always be a chance of getting caught. But what if the Anti Corruption bureau committed corruption? Well, then there were some very decisive and painful curses placed, just like the curse put on the post of DADA professor at Hogwarts. Here, the ACB commissioner position was cursed that if the office-bearer commits corruption or another crime, he would start facing bad luck, bad health until he confesses to people and leaves the post. This curse was by no means easy to put, Roger had to ask his family and Adrian for help.

The country was currently in its honeymoon phase. There was peace and harmony, people were happy that the change they were fighting for had finally arrived.

However, there were a lot of people in the country who had their whole life based around fighting for this. Their daily life was all about protesting and eating at the food kitchens.

Now, that they had nothing to protest, they would look for little problems that were not easy for a country going through a revolution to solve. For example, they started protesting for more electricity. Sure, the government was working on it, but building infrastructure takes years. These people did not want to understand that.

In the end, these protests could get hijacked and the new government could get harmed, as it was already new and unstable. So, these good for nothing people were partially obliviated so they forget the addiction of protesting. The country right now needed to be stable and go on a path of rapid industrialisation, not a mindless protest spree.

The salty ex-government officials though were angry, they were the kings, after all, now they had to share their power and the parliament with the "Filthy" second class citizens. Of course, anyone who publicly said such things was now criminally charged as it was a crime to speak racially offensive words to people.

Britain in the meantime gained a lot of goodwill though. South Africa lacked jobs right now and they will continue to do so for the coming few years. So to help the people, Britain would send a lot of food grains to them.

They gained big respect from many countries by doing this.


The United States of America, Cambridge, MIT

Brando... Bobby was at MIT to do his Masters in Mechanical Engineering. But, because of a gift from Magnus, he decided to do Aeronautical engineering, study economics and also political science, because why the hell not?

The gift was an alchemical stone, it was called Mind Stone, named by Magnus. It helps one focus on one thing. By placing the stone in your hand, you could get rid of all unnecessary thoughts and truly put all your focus on one single thing. For an already intelligent person, this was a great boon.

"Holy hell, they charge so much money in fees, why do people even indulge these universities." He cursed the institute while reading the brochure for the current academic year. The yearly cost was $3,350. But if you add other expenses it was nearly 5 thousand.

However, for Bobby, it was free, because he was invited to study here and also give a few lectures about computer science since he was considered a genius in it. But Bobby didn\'t want this. He didn\'t want to keep himself limited to just one field. He wanted to be able to visualise something and quickly start building it.

It had been a week since he arrived. In the meantime, he had bought a whole floor of the nearest residential building, where he ran his personal lab. He was by now one of the richest people on the planet. FutureTek industries were considered to be a mammoth already, even though they did not have crazy big income streams. But everyone knew, with the direction the company was taking, that in the coming future as technology becomes more common in day to day life, the company will become one of the biggest. The investors wanted to invest, but the company was private.

On the other hand, Dragon Holdings was something much crazier. They just took the ownership of Warner Brothers, they already had billion-dollar companies under them and still expanded like crazy. People mostly thought that the company must be run by many great minds.

But, unknown to them, the people they thought were directors were in fact the assistants of Magnus\' assistant Venessa. Who could have thought a teenage boy was running the company?

Anyway, Bobby was in a cafe, looking at some documents. His aim of coming to the states was also to find members for the Order of Merlin. Extraordinary people who don\'t care about anything except their passion, their educational field.

~Too bad my reputation is not good here. They all think I\'m a lucky little kid.~ He sighed. His days have not been very good. Constant namecalling was the norm. He was called Little man, Booby and whatnot.

Of course, he was not one to take all this silently. He singled out all the bullies whose parents owned big businesses, then he sent a very personalised letter to the business owners. That if their sons don\'t fall in line, then forget ever getting a licence to collaborate with FutureTek and Dragon Holdings. Now, the FutureTek was not in itself big, but the patents it held were too revolutionary.

Soon, the bullying voices reduced and his peaceful life resumed.

"Sir," A man came and took a seat in front of him. The man was named Harvard, he was an operative from MEDA New York Branch.

"Here, I ordered coffee for you. So, you got all the information about the Mafia families in the city?" Bobby asked excitedly.

"Yes sir, five Mafia families are enjoying great freedom on the East Coast. They are the Bonanno family, the Colombo family, the Gambino family, the Genovese family and the Corleone Family. The head of the Commission is the Corleone Family, currently headed by Don Michael Corleone." Harvard explained everything.

Bobby hummed and read the report, "Hmm... I checked these mafia families own a lot of properties in New York City and also own pretty big stakes in a few businesses. I would like to buy some good land here, the future of this city is bright, even though right now it looks like a cave of thugs. Harvard, can you book an appointment with this Don Michael Corleone? I will make an offer he can\'t refuse, actually most of the purchase is for Magnus." Bobby planned.

~Magnus? His Majesty Pendragon?~ Harvard\'s eyes widened. He became excited by the prospect of working directly for Magnus. It seems Magnus\' various methods to develop some sort of low-level worship towards him have worked magic.

"Yes, sir. I will book the appointment. They will most likely call us at their home, but don\'t worry, I will take the best ex-Aurors from the company. Even if they bring an army we can easily mow them down." Harvard enthusiastically planned.


"Let\'s hope it does not come to that. Well then, I\'ll be heading back to work. It was a pleasure meeting with you... Ah, I wish there was a good tea shop here." He hissed while walking away.

[A/N: Yes, it\'s the same Michael Corleone from the Godfather three movie. The other families though are the real Mafia families that to this day operate in New York City.]

[You can see Grenade on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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