Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 305 - 305. Win Back Trust

Magnus turned around, "What? I just said floccinaucinihilipilification. It means the habit of estimating something as worthless, something that you do a lot. Now let\'s get some suits for us and return home."

They entered the neatly lit vintage looking shop. It had a lot of wooden work. Magnus liked it, "It seems it truly was established in 1859."

"Heh, I wish it was established ten years later, in the holy year." Ragnar jokingly said.

Magnus ignored him and went to the receptionist, who was an old man with measuring tape hanging around his neck. He looked to be busy, working on some piece of cloth on the table.

"Ahem...." Magnus cleared his throat to signal his presence. Meanwhile, Ragnar just roamed around, looking at the various suits, showing ties and shirts.

The old man looked up and voiced, "How can I help you, today... Ah... your highness, welcome to Kingsman."

Magnus face being very recognisable, the old man quickly changed his tone. But, there were also a few creases on his forehead, showing some level of worry for some reason.

"Yes, I and my brother need to buy a pair of suits for a formal event," Magnus said.

The old man smiled professionally, "I shall take the measurements first, then you can choose the style and fabric."

Magnus nodded and called Ragnar, "Rag, come here."

The old man seemed tense as he took the measurements. Magnus thought this was due to his status and ignored it.

Once Ragnar was done, he went around looking at things. Magnus got his measurements taken and talked to the man. "Can we get these before the 25th?"

"Y-Yes, your highness, we can get them made before then." He agreed.


All of a sudden Ragnar\'s loud shout came. The tailor looked left and right and didn\'t find Ragnar anywhere.

Just then Ragnar spoke again, "It\'s like... they\'ve got the whole military armoury here. I think we found terrorists."

Magnus glanced at the man, who also looked at him. And for some reason, he tried to jump back, but Magnus didn\'t let him, "Petrificus Totalus!"

He cast a full-body binding charm on the man and let him fall on the floor. Then he quickly went to see where Ragnar was. It was a room, and once he arrived, he saw that Ragnar had opened a secret entrance it seemed. Behind it was a large room, fully covered with guns showcased on the wall, from small to new. There were also suits, shoes, lighters, hats and many more things.

Magnus realised something, "Rag, I don\'t think these are terrorists. These things seem to be spy gadgets. I think they are Soviet Spies."

Ragnar nodded, he didn\'t really care about what went on in the muggle world. "Hmm, let\'s ask that man."

So they returned to the reception. Magnus put the man on the couch and asked, "Tell me everything, who are you and whom do you work for?"

"Uh... I can\'t sir." He answered.

"Fine, then, I have many ways to make this work," Magnus mercilessly used legilimency on him.

"Oh, a mental shield? So you have a wizard working for you as well?" Magnus muttered and continued.


After a few minutes, he retreated from the man\'s mind. "Rag, these aren\'t commies or terrorists. They are a part of a spy agency, called the Kingsman."

"Government?" Ragnar inquired.

"Nope, they are supposed to be independent. But they do have the support of the government. What I do not understand is why they named it Kingsman? I don\'t think they work under the crown either." Magnus wondered.

"Hmm... will you allow them to exist later?" Ragnar wondered.

Magnus shrugged, "Who knows. I\'ll have to see where their loyalty lies. Anyway, get up, old man. Take the order for our suits so we can leave.

Ragnar and Magnus spent another hour before heading out home. They didn\'t even bother with this so-called secret spy agency. The level Magnus worked at was much higher than them and he could at any moment get this agency shut. Because right now, the strongest spy, intelligence and private army agency in the world were MEDA, though on the surface it was just a private detective agency.


When the two arrived back home it was already dinner time. So everyone gathered and sat at the dining table. Grace was in a much happier mood these days seeing her whole family together. She misses this sight whenever the two were gone to the school.

"So, what did you two do today?" She asked.

"Nothing, just some work at the movie company. Have you seen the one that recently came out?" Magnus inquired.

She sadly shook her head, "No, Adam didn\'t take me. He said the movie is really scary and may pose some physical harm to me. But I want to see it, I wonder if it can really scare me."

Adam nodded, "I\'m right. You\'ve waited this long, just wait a few more days, then you can do anything you want. I won\'t stop you."

She chuckled, "See kids, how your dad is bullying me."

Magnus chuckled, "Don\'t worry, mum. Let\'s put dad in charge of diaper duty."

Adam looked at him with eyes of sorrow. This was a betrayal, "Boy, I remember changing your diapers too. You were a poop machine when you were small. Want to hear stories?"

Magnus knew his taunting had backfired, "NO! Let me eat in peace."

They laughed and messed with each other. After dinner, they spent time watching television. Magnus and Ragnar sat on the floor with their backs resting on the couch, while Grace, Adam and Martha sat on the couch. Despite it being a huge house, they don\'t forget to get cosy by staying close.

"Mag, I will be going to Wizarding Schools Potions Championship next year. It\'s supposed to be held in Syria." Ragnar spoke.

Magnus shrugged, "Sure, why would I stop you? It\'s better if you take Severus with you."

The television showed today\'s news as they talked. Magnus thought listened to it as it was important for him. Others continued to talk, however.


Anchor: Today marked the final day for the US delegation of Ping Pong players in China. The leader of the team, Forrest Gump, won a decisive victory.

In other news, the clouds of a deadly famine loom over the newborn nation of Bangladesh. Ever since its formation in 1971, it has faced many problems, as the enemy forces used scorched earth tactics and destroyed everything in their retreat, the country is not left with much infrastructure.

With flooding in the river Brahmaputra, the nation of 60 million people faces grave danger. But its government still seems to be indecisive. Only time will tell what happens next.

Next, the World Bank has revealed a new report. It shows that the British economy, which everyone thought would go into a recession, is now rising up, while the economies around the world face a downturn. This has been possible due to the government\'s preventive moves in securing the oil supply. But the Prime Minister has refused to take any credit for it and instead says it was the grace of His Highness, Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon. It remains a mystery what he actually means...


Magnus pondered over what he heard. His plan was to one day use Asia for its huge population and natural resources to develop the whole world. But, currently, most Asian countries were very hostile towards the United Kingdom, not militarily, just ideologically and politically. It was understandable.

India was still recovering from its memories of colonialism while falling deeper into the socialism hole and going closer to USSR. If they don\'t go capitalist fast, they will always remain a backward country. Pakistan was obsessed with India and Bangladesh was suffering on its own. China sees the UK as evil, bringing the century of humiliation to all the public statements they gave.

Japan was already westernised and advanced, with no scope of going there. This left Burma, but it was a one-party socialist state under a military government. This left Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam. Well, not Vietnam, it was a mess after the war.

He sighed, ~Nobody in the world trusts us. It\'s stupid to try to defend colonialism by saying it was the world order of the past and they did what the era needed. Nobody would believe it, they will always judge us by today\'s modern standards.

"Maybe... with Bangladesh, I can show the world that they don\'t need to fear fellow Brits anymore. We don\'t want tea, nor do we sell opium. All we want is mutual trade.~

So Magnus took out his phone and called Adrian, "Adrian, send a small team of investigators to Bangladesh. I want to know everything about why the famine is happening. I want the report back in a week."

After that, he called the Prime Minister and straightforwardly asked, "How much food do we export?"

"Not much..."

Magnus hung up as soon as the man said this. He called his agent in Zimbabwe, "How did the plan to grow crops go?"

"Your majesty, I was about to call you. We have harvested the winter season crops. But we have nowhere to store it, nor do we have that many mouths to feed." the agent replied.

Magnus happily took a long breath, "Good, don\'t worry, I will tell the construction company to create large storage facilities across the country. Later someone will come and take the harvest to export."

But Magnus was not done yet. If he was going to eradicate hunger, might as well target the whole damn world in the long run. So he turned to face Grandma Martha, who was currently massaging Grace.

"Grandma, can we use the vast flatlands of Camelot to grow food? I want to end world hunger." He asked.

As if this was a small matter, Martha nodded, "Sure, Magnus. You own the island, you can do anything with it. But know this, grandma will always be proud."


Grace suddenly moved and hugged Magnus from behind, "And me too. The world is too lucky to have someone like you."

She pecked his cheek and moved back, leaving Magnus embarrassed but happy nonetheless.


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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