Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 410: Goodbye Hogwarts

Chapter 410: Goodbye Hogwarts

Magnus walked to Dumbledore. The old man handed him a trophy, a big one made of gold. Seeing this, he felt he needed to teach them the idea of giving gold medals, it was less gold and similarly meaningful.

“You are probably the best student this school has ever gotten an opportunity to teach. I wish you luck for your future,” Dumbledore kindly congratulated him.

Magnus nodded, thankful for the kind words, “Our work is infinite, professor. Here or outside, we’ll be working close by regularly.”

He thanked everyone and went back to his seat. After this award, the award for the best student in each house was given. And then some subject centric awards. These awards had not much meaning but they could help one get jobs after school.

Once all these were done, the last lunch started. It was as extravagant as the first dinner of the school year or Christmas dinner. All kinds of meat treats and sweets were there. For drinks, healthy magically made soda was available. Turns out, a Hogwarts student of Slytherin house invented it after graduating two years ago. Because of Magnus, the wizard was able to taste muggle world Coka Cola and he loved the taste and the feeling after taking a sip. But he found it to be unhealthy in the long run.

So, he made his own recipe, healthy and tastes good, of course, a bit different from Coke, it had a bit less sweet taste but still didn’t feel any less pleasing, the biggest selling point was that no matter for how long you keep it in the refrigerator, it doesn’t lose its bubbles. The wizard had recently taken investment from Magnus in return for ten per cent of his company, and he will be expanding into the muggle world now with the help of Dragon Holdings Business Consultancy a.k.a DHBC, a service specifically designed to help wizards expand their business ideas in the muggle world.

“Umm… this pizza is so good, the elfs really created a new recipe it seems.” Emma was munching on a whole full-sized pizza with 8 slices.

“Of course they did. Before leaving the one thing I wanted to do in the school was to make their life easier. So I told professor Dumbledore to hire more elfs. Now, instead of two shifts, they work in three shifts. This gives them some time to relax and even experiment with more food. Hence, new recipes.” Magnus explained.

Ragnar agreed, the chicken he was tasting felt different and better, “I want to steal whoever made this chicken and make him be my permanent cook.”

“You mean make them your slaves?” Severus snarled.

“Oh really? Says the guy who actually has house elfs as cooks.” Ragnar barked back.

“I pay them according to the Ministry’s guidelines. By the way, Magnus, how many more spies were found?” Severus asked.

Adrian had heavy-handedly conducted an audit on the Ministry, all the remaining employees were brain scanned, even the Minister as Magnus was angry at her lack of awareness. In the end, a dozen spies were found. “About a dozen, all of them are either dead or obliviated for their whole life.”




Emma, Severus and Ragnar approved together. They were totally as crazy as Magnus at this point.

“Ehem… sir, can I have a picture with you?” a junior asked.

Magnus happily smiled, “Of course, grab a leg piece of chicken, we shall have a food pic. Ummm… Photo guy? Where are you?”

Soon enough, a boy popped up with a big ass camera that looked as if it came straight out of the 30s. But it had the magical feature of making the photo a moving photo, so it was understandable.

Just as the boy happily left, another came, then a girl. One by one, a long line formed, all wanting to take a photo with Magnus because this was possibly the last time they could so easily approach him. The camera guy was annoyed and announced that he will be charging money for all the reels he was using.

Even the 7th year came to get photos, he obliged. But this delayed the entire schedule for the school. After lunch, Magnus called the entire 7th years of Slytherin and asked them to get a class photo together. This photo will be printed and sent to each of them so they can remember and boast about studying with Magnus for the coming generations.

“SAY CHEESE!” He shouted, sitting in the middle, beside him were his friends. His hand was on Emma’s waist and one arm on Ragnar’s shoulder, going as far as pulling Ragnar’s ear beside Ragnar. Straight behind him stood Slughorn, as he felt jealous for not being included.


The flash brightly shined and the moment was captured forever to be remembered, to be spread around the chronicle that was in the making, the life of King Magnus was an ongoing historical event and none had any idea.

“Okay okay, let’s get going, the boats are waiting. Hagrid must be bloody bored right now.” Magnus clapped and made everyone move fast, dragging out their luggage from their rooms.

He too took a glimpse of his room, where he spent so many moments with Emma. Then the common hall, the place where he made his friends, partied, met Ragnar and Severus, Emma too. The memories he made here were treasures to him, and that made him a bit emotional. One chapter of life was closing, and many more were awaiting. Time never stops, even for the strongest wizards.

“I’m glad I was sorted into Slytherin, I got to meet you because of it,” Emma muttered, standing beside him. Ragnar and Severus also arrived, and they looked at the music system that Magnus placed in his second year and the television he placed in his 4th year.

Ragnar cursed, “Fuck, go back in, tears. Men don’t cry,”

“Really? Then why were you crying like a bitch watching that movie?” Severus rebuked his manliness.

“You leaving? I will miss your presence,” Regulus came out, looking rather sad.

Magnus straight up hugged the boy. He was more of a brother to him than Sirius at this point. “Boy, study well and pass with top grades. You’re going to join me after that, learn from me how to bring peace to countries and around the world, how to run companies. Keep sending me letters, and you got the phone.”

Regulus nodded silently. Magnus handed him a piece of paper, “If you’re ever in trouble, just tear this paper and I will know your location.”

“T-thanks…” he put it in his pocket.

After that, he took one final glance and headed straight out towards the lake. A dozen boats were aligned there, Hagrid waiting by them with a lantern in his hand.

One by one, all seventh years took seats, Magnus came in last and gave Hagrid a bear hug, “I will keep in contact, Hagrid. I may be leaving the school, but we’re and always will be good friends,”

The gentle giant laughed heartily, eyes nearly tearing up, “I wish ye luck, Magnus. Yeh’ve changed my life, got my wand back, savin’ my life. Thank ye fer everythin\'”

He got on a boat, Severus, Ragnar and Emma together. They rowed it away from Hogwarts, the giant castle that appeared magnificent on their first day here was still as spectacular as ever.

Everyone was silent, a difference from the day they came here, instead of being in awe, they were feeling sad. The thumping of water from the oar was particularly audible tonight.

“I’m gonna miss waking up and walking to the great hall for breakfast,” Ragnar muttered.

Severus sighed and added, “And I will miss a reason to wake up every day. But I guess, being a teacher at the new Hogwarts, I will just be reversing my role from a student to a teacher.”

Emma chuckled, “Hehe, Sev, I hope you become a good fun teacher, not a snarky boring one. You know what I’m talking about.”

“Yes, students love teachers who can make a decent joke, it also makes them appreciate the class and work harder in your subject. Slughorn knew it best. Oh, you will be teaching Potions and DADA, you can take some pointers from Slughorn I think,” Magnus suggested to him.

“I think I will,” Severus silently looked at the castle. ~It seems I will never be too far away from this place,~

Slowly, the boats drifted away, finally passing the final turn in the lake, the school hid behind a giant rock, gradually diminishing away from their eyes and lives.

Hogwarts sure was a long tedious journey, making the four Slytherins feel strong, confident, loving and horny. It was going to leave behind a deep mark on their memory, being the first step in Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon’s journey to hegemony.

[A/N: End of “Hogwarts” Volume.

Next is “The Dragon King” Volume.]

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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