Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 446 - 446. End Of An Era

Chapter 446 – 446. End Of An Era

~When? When did he gain all this? A dragon?~ Dumbledore was utterly confused about Magnus\' secret life. He saw for who he was now, a man born to rule, one to be at the peak of power.

Seeing the state of Voldemort, the man who was not much weaker than him, it proved that Magnus had long ago surpassed him. If he was the strongest wizard in the world before, now Magnus was the strongest.

One after another, all 55 members of the Wizengamot arrived. He once again showed a magnificent feat of magic by waving his staff and erecting a few platforms from the stone-hard ground. It was like a mini amphitheatre. There was the main platform, the highest one with a podium for the Minister. Then there were seats in the form of three levels of stairs for the Wizengamot members to sit. For people, there was enough space to watch as he didn\'t enclose the entire thing.

Right in the middle was a stone chair where Voldemort\'s torso was put as if he was a lifeless doll. Eugenia Jenkins felt more pressured today than on her election day.

"Today, we have gathered here for the public trial of the criminal that\'s wanted by all magical communities across the world. Dark Lord Voldemort, his real name Tom Marvolo Riddle, father\'s name Tom Riddle Snr, a muggle businessman. Mother\'s name, Merope Riddle née Gaunt, a witch. His crimes are far too many to count, all being greater than the others. Hence, his crimes are put in the category of crimes against wizards and humanity. Crimes against life and crimes against the world. And recently, he personally killed the son of the Potter family, James Potter.

"Sending him to the Azkaban won\'t do justice to all those he has hurt. Hence, I propose the Death penalty." Eugenia kept it short and impactful. Just revealing Voldemort\'s lineage was enough to cause madness. However, the official death penalty was a first. Previously the highest punishment was Azkaban.

*THUMP THUMP* Magnus slammed his staff on the floor twice. He was standing beside the Minister. "All those in favour of this punishment for the cancer of our world, raise your hand."

Instantly, all 55 hands rose up. Dumbeldore too didn\'t take a second to do it, having already learned his lesson of not going soft on beings like Voldemort.

*BAM* Eugenia slammed the hammer to end the voting, "In the presence of Great Dragon, Annihilus Grant Emrys Pendragon as a witness. The decision has been made, fifty-five for yes and none for no. Voldemort is to be killed immediately with the special potion. Lord Oroborus, please administer it,"

Ragnar was also a Wizengamot member at this point, he was from an ancient family after all. He happily walked to the depressed half-dead Voldemort, he grinned at his face and whispered, "This isn\'t the end of your misery. For them, you die today, but I am yet to take revenge for the death of my family. Get ready to see Rodolphus."

Before Voldemort could scream, Ragnar forced the potion into his mouth. Immediately, the body fell from the stone chair. Moody walked to it to check, "VOLDEMORT IS DEAD!"

It was as if a carnival broke out. People jumped and threw their hands up, shouting, cheering and some crying. The menace was over, the cancer was dead.

Out of nowhere, fireworks appeared in the sky, confetti started falling on everyone. Shops that served food and beverages announced one free order per person for the day.

Seeing this, Magnus also made an announcement, "Eat all you want, drink all you want today in the Diagon Alley, all on me."

"LONG LIVE KING MAGNUS!" they started chanting.

A great many of them tried to get close to Magnus to congratulate him on this win. But he quickly stepped to the side and walked to Lily Potter. She was blankly standing in her place, holding a crying baby and staring at the dead body of James. Her life had changed so much in a single day, it was unbelievable.

He had called Emma for this exact reason, as he had no idea if Lily had any female friends. At least Emma did go to Potter\'s home from time to time as she was interested in playing with a little baby and also wanted to learn how a mother works.

"Lily, forgive me I could not come faster," he apologised.

She shook her head, "No… if you had not come, then Harry would have died too. If anything, I am grateful to you. I just… can\'t…" she teared up. Seeing this, Emma hugged her and took the baby. She handed Harry to Sirius who had just arrived. Then Remus and Peter too. All three were godfathers.

"Let\'s go, it\'s not good to be here. We should prepare for the funeral." Sirius suggested.

Magnus, Emma, Severus, Lily, and others quickly apparated away. Dumbledore and McGonagall also followed. After all, this death was directly related to Voldemort.

However, Ragnar was nowhere to be seen.

The Potter\'s house at Godric Hollows was in pieces because of Duck. Magnus waved his staff and fixed it quickly. James\' body was already in a coffin, preserved.

The Potters were here, crying over it. He was just 20 years old and their only son. Lily had dried her eyes from crying for the past few hours. It was decided to cremate the body instead of burying it.

Magnus decided to help them with that. There was a small graveyard reserved for wizards. For Muggles, it seems like a building is there and they are always made uninterested in reaching it out.

He used his magic to erect a small tent and lay flowers around. The pyre was set and James\' body was put on it, arms crossed and his wand in hand. Dumbledore took the responsibility of saying the last words.

"James Potter was a naughty kid in school. But nevertheless, he was smart and headstrong. He gave his life protecting his wife and son, he made a sacrifice to allow his line to continue. But above all, he made this sacrifice for love.

"Love is what we lacked in this world. Voldemort\'s reign may have come to an end, but it has left us with sad memories that we can not help but try to come over. The loss of a loved one can be dreadful, but with the support of those around you, one can learn to accept it. I have experienced it, I had no one.

"But James Potter has left behind a legacy. His friends, his family and his wife… his son. His memory shall stay alive as long as we all live. His name will be passed on for generations as the one who fought Voldemort for love, the one who died for love.

"May his soul rest in peace," Dumbeldore stepped aside, allowing Lily to come forward and put fire on the wood.

She looked at James for the last time, silently muttering, "I love you," and proceeded to use her wand to light the pyre.

She took a few steps back and took Harry in her arms from Emma. As if the little boy knew who the man was on the pyre, he too cried, none stopped him from crying however, none even tried.


"W-where am I?" Voldemort woke up.

All he could hear was the sound of a blade being sharpened. Everything was dark, even he could not see anything for some reason. *BEEP* The lights turned on, the entire ceiling gave a white light.

Voldemort looked around, he was in a giant hall, all looking white. "It was a mistake not to kill me, Pendragon,"

However, there was no Magnus. The man who stepped in front of him was the best friend of Tom Riddle from his younger days, "My Lord,"

"Rodolphus? You are… you look completely fine." Voldemort was taken aback.

However, his happiness was short-lived because, from the speakers in the room, Ragnar\'s voice resounded, "Dog, you know what to do. Seal his ass, tie his dick and start feeding him laxative mixed water and porridge."

"Yes, Prince Oroborus," Rodolphus mechanically responded and started to tear off Voldemort\'s clothes. Then, he thrust a fat cucumber up his back.

"R-Rodolphus, don\'t do this. Both of us can work together, we can fight and get out," Voldemort panicked for the first time in his life.

Without stopping, Rodolphus started to sew his dick, "My Lord, get used to this. You can not run, you can not hide. This is the reality, this is the life."

"BWAHAHA… absolutely right," Ragnar\'s laughter resounded in the room, as he was sitting in a different control room with screens all around. He pressed one button and the special room Voldemort was kept changed. All its walls became invisible, showing him where he was. It was in the middle of a thousand dragons, some sleeping, some eating, but all looked ferocious. There was no running even in a thousand lifetimes.

"NOOO… JUST KILL ME!" Voldemort shouted.

"My lord, open your mouth," Rodolphus held a mug full of water.

But the ex-dark lord looked away, "Don\'t you dare, Rodolphus,"

"My lo…" Ragnar interrupted at that moment, "Dog, why are you calling him lord? Call him Bitch from now on. That\'s what he is."

Rodolphus nodded, "Bitch, open your mouth."

[A/N: If I want, I can honestly end the fic right here. You guys can tell me what you want. It can either end here or go ahead until the Year 2021, another major event will occur before the end then.

UPDATE: Folks in ******* have already voted for more chapters.]

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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