Odyssey of the Blind God

Chapter 66 Gut Feeling

Nial had only heard about nine military camps, one in each shelter.

As such, hearing about a tenth camp confused him.

At the same time, it was intriguing because if something was not revealed to the public, it was either something extremely bad or something extremely good.

In the case of the Teradan military camp, Nial believed that it was likely to be extremely good.

There was no reason for him to think like that, except for the fact that Kira spoke about it with visible excitement.

He might not know much about Kira, but Nial could feel that she wanted to help him.

This trait of helping others might run in the family, or Kira was simply intrigued by him when she learned that Mara had wanted to help him.

In the end, her reason didn\'t really matter to him.

What mattered was to grasp every single opportunity he could find, and hope for the best possible outcome.

As such, he didn\'t directly ask about the Teradan military camp and learn more about it.

Instead, Nial was more interested in the difference between a normal military camp of the respective shelter and the Teradan military camp.

"What exactly makes the Teradan camp so special if you recommend it instead of Katu\'s military camp?"

Turning his head towards her, he asked her the question. She could clearly see his dead, white eyes that were staring past her.

But the sight didn\'t make her feel uncomfortable. Rather, she thought that Nial might be more interesting than she previously thought.

Kira believes this to be the case owing to the way in which Nial reacted.

His desire to become stronger was distinctive and that was even to the extent which made him ask questions despite doubting her intentions.

She had also heard a few rumors that ran rampant through the streets of Katu, which were mostly the reason for her to come to the library today.

As she could control beings with a weaker will, she could easily procure information.

,m Fortunately enough, her sister was not present, otherwise, Nial would still be a stranger to her, and the rumors that were most likely coursing around Nial were something she wouldn\'t have gotten to know either.

Somehow, she had been drawn to the young man in front of her without knowing why and having heard him speak about Junades and her sister, it was pretty clear that she was not the only one to feel like that.

If someone as weak as Nial could attract the siblings\' attention, something must be unique about him, and after connecting the dots, which were, in fact, the rumors about the two-element dungeon that spread through Katu like a wildfire, Kira was easily able to figure out that Nial had been the reason for everything.

Thus, owing to her curiosity, she didn\'t intend to hide anything. Rather, she chose to explain everything in detail.

"Hmm, if I were to explain it with a few details, which is the only explanation I can offer if I don\'t want to spend a couple of hours seated in this place, the major differences between the Katu military camp and the Teradan military camp are the dangers, the desperate participants, the massive amount of resources you can possibly claim by being one of the most talented inside the camp, and the teachers.

While the Katu military academy leans towards training a high quantity of powerful soldiers, and a select few that are likely to become Corporals, this is not the case with the Teradan military camp.

In fact, the Katu military camp is known for training those that will remain ordinary, and the same applies to most the other military camps.

After all, you need normal soldiers and higher authorities that are trained in thinking strategically, to protect the shelters, the huge population and clear all kinds of dungeons and so on.

However, the Teradan military camp is extraordinary in that sense. If you want to find a way to Liondra you\'ll either have to become one of the most influential people in the military, or you should think of finding an organization which you should enter.

And in order to achieve this, you will have to be the best, the strongest, and someone irreplaceable for mankind\'s goal to reclaim the lands that have been wrongfully taken from us!

The Teradan military camp might be the deadliest, and I don\'t want to lie to you, it\'s highly likely that you and others might die, but at the same time, it is THE stepping stone you will need to make use of to overcome the lack of power, wealth, and connections!

The cream of the crop will gather in the Teradan military camp, whether they\'re rich or poor, crippled or completely unscathed as long as they have the necessary talent, and willpower to overcome all possible issues. They will give their all to prevent succumbing to the dangers they will have to face to change their fate.

If one excludes the big families, who can provide better resources to their descendants, that is the place for you to find the most talented individuals.

In fact, what you have to understand is the value of the Teradan military camp and the fact that you will be able to enter Liondra, and search for whoever you are looking for if you are strong enough.

Strength is everything that matters in the Era of dungeons, and the beasts that took everything from us!"

After a rather lengthy monologue, Kira ended her long speech that was filled with euphoria, evidently showing how highly she thought of the Teradan military camp.

Nial was not sure how genuine her praises were, but what he knew was that the military camp he was looking for was likely to be the Teradan military camp.

In fact, Nial could also sense how Kira was planting an idea in his head and wanted to direct him, which was something he didn\'t dislike.

Yet, at the same time, he had also not missed catching the hidden intention in her speech.

Though he was debating with himself if it was suitable to say to someone he had just gotten to know, or if it was utter nonsense.

Death was certainly he wanted to steer clear of, but the more dangerous something was the higher the benefits if he was able to overcome them.

Adding the fact that she spoke about Liondra and that it was easier to enter it if he were to join an organization, particularly if he were to enter the Teradan military camp, Nial knew that it was best for him to give it a shot.

And that was exactly what Kira had attempted to do; presenting the Teradan military camp to him as the perfect opportunity Nial was looking for!

Thus, he could gauge what she was going to say at any moment.

"Should we help each other?"

Even though he knew what Kira was about to say, hearing this seemingly simple question made him feel confused.

For a moment he simply wondered if he had truly expected her to ask him this particular question, or if he had simply hoped to hear it!

What he knew for sure was that he expected Kira to elaborate on what exactly she wanted from him, which she did almost as if she had read his mind.

"To put it in simple terms, I want to make a fair trade. I recommend you to the Teradan military camp, and in return, you will become the camp\'s number one trainee in terms of strength, or talent, I don\'t care! If that\'s not possible, at least become the most known person in the camp, not for making trouble, tho…"

This confused Nial a little bit because Kira had first talked about the camp as if every single student was some sort of monstrous talent.

As such, he couldn\'t understand Kira\'s offer as he didn\'t think highly of himself.

He knew it would be difficult to compete against others that were likely to have more than a decade\'s worth of experience than him.

Because of that, Nial decided to voice out his doubts.

"What kinds of benefits does that have for you? I doubt you get much from being the person who recommended me to the Teradan military camp. I\'m blind, weak, my knowledge is extremely shallow, I am a late bloomer and you don\'t know what exactly I would do in the camp…except dying!

How can you be certain that I\'m capable enough to beat someone who has talent, proper training, and resources?"

The offer seemed too good to be true and he was trying to figure out the reason for Kira\'s generosity to a total stranger like him.

Putting in a good word for someone was a risk as the said person could tarnish their reputation if he stepped out of line.

Hence, people were picky when it came to recommending someone and would generally do a favor to a descendant of a wealthy and reputable family.

Nial didn\'t meet a single condition when it came to the above criteria and he couldn\'t be considered especially powerful either, which made him doubt Kira\'s intentions and the tempting offer which she gave to him after interacting with him just for minutes.

"I have my reasons but I\'ll let you know what is in it for me. First, if I recommend you, and you become the strongest or the most talented, it would mean that I was the one to find a prodigy, or monster, whatever you want to be.

Thus, as long as you\'re strong enough, I will get rewarded by the organization that might pick you.

However, that\'s not the important point because I do not really need any kinds of rewards, and they\'re simply not valuable enough for me.

Instead, through you, my reputation in the government will increase, which in turn, would help me increase my influence and find more connections in the military and the organizations they\'ve invested in.

That is, under the condition that you prove yourself to be great enough to attract the attention of the Teradan military camp\'s management!

I have a few more reasons, but do I really have to tell you everything?

If you are eager enough to get to know everything, I also want to snatch you away from my sister because I believe she can see the same in you as I can see and feel right now."

Nial didn\'t understand much about scheming or crafting plans that were made in order to achieve something through multiple detours. Neither did he have any clue of how he was supposed to be a prodigy, or a monster, which meant that she was totally gambling…with his future on the line!

This caused him to frown deeply as he murmured in a frustrated voice,

"And…what is it that you feel about me? Darkness, and someone blind with a little bit of potential in terms of combat?"

Nial knew that he was not bad at comprehending combat styles, and he was also quick at figuring out the attack patterns of the beings he fought.

As such, he was not boasting when he spoke about his combat talent, but only gave her points he thought of himself to be worth considering. But, instead of nodding her head, Kira shook her head and replied,

"I haven\'t seen you fighting yet. The only thing I heard were rumors, and I don\'t really believe in those before I have seen the rumored person myself.

As for what I see, I\'m not sure if I should be impressed by the fact that you don\'t look malnourished despite seeing that you are not exactly good at taking care of yourself, or if I should be disappointed about the little fraction of mana inside your mana core?

However, what I\'m sure about is that I believe that you are worth handing out my recommendation. In the end, you are either a flop or my little treasure trove!"

Nial could only shake his head while hearing her mixed review about himself.

It was somewhat ridiculous, but if she wanted to make use of him, why should he be bothered by this?

In the end, he would make use of her even if Kira didn\'t receive any benefits from helping him out.

As a result, given the fact that she had shared her idea and the perfect solution to his issues right at the start, Nial gradually calmed down.

Taking his time to think about everything, he fell silent and a few minutes passed, in which Kira didn\'t say a single word.

She kept her calm, sat next to him, and merely observed Nial with interest, glad that he wasn\'t greedy to hastily grab the opportunity, just because she stretched out her hand to give him some help.

He was currently calmly reconsidering the advantages and possible disadvantages of being recommended to the Teradan military camp by Kira, whom he had just gotten to know.

Kira believed that there were many more disadvantages owing to the trust factor because it was too soon for them to have developed it.

Thus, both of them were taking a great risk, but simultaneously, both trusted their gut feeling more than anything else.

This was also why they were currently sitting next to each other, speaking about the Teradan military camp; owing to their gut feeling!


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