Picking up Girls With My System

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

After which, he went to a more private room with a few girls. Difficult times required some fucking from time to time.



The girls moaned as Arthur did things they never thought it was possible. It seemed people in that world weren’t that good at sex. Anyway, Arthur fucked them until he finally leveled up.

“I’ll use these free points later. It’s only one level, after all.”

As he was thinking if he should fuck more, someone showed up out of a sudden, and was talking with him.

“Excuse me? Aren’t you a pirate?”

Arthur looked up at the person, scanning him. It looked like an ordinary youth with black-hair just like most people around that area.

“Yes, I am. Why do you ask?”

“My family is in danger. Could you help me? Please?”

When the youth said that, Arthur knew exactly what it was, a scam. The youth would probably try to steal him or ask for money. Not wanting to lose time, Arthur tossed a few silver coins to the youth.


“Take it. If you try to steal me in the future, don’t expect me to be this merciful.”

It shocked the youth to see his plan failing this easily.

“How did you know? You look a little older than me. You shouldn’t be that smart.”

“Maybe I’m a thousand year dragon in disguise. Who knows?”

“Ha, nice one. I’m sorry. These are not simple times for some of us.”

“It’s okay. Be careful out there.”

With that, the youth left. Arthur felt the encounter was rather strange, but maybe it was a normal occurrence for those who live in Athegas.


The days passed, and it was time for the test to enter Arthur’s crew. The pirates’ guild did an amazing job of spreading the word around the city.

Arthur walked in inside the pirates’ guild, and whispering started the moment he did so.

“Isn’t that Captain Arthur? He’s so young.”

“Don’t let his age fool you. Anyone with a decent strength can tell just by looking that Captain Arthur is not simple.”

“I know, I know. I wish I could enter the test for his crew. Ahh, these new crews have such adventures.”

“Yeah, I know the feeling.”

“Sir, please.” The woman behind the counter asked Arthur to follow her to the room where the test would be.

Arthur walked for a few moments until he arrived at an enormous room with a ring in the middle, presumably for the fights. There were benches for everyone to sit, and a throne in the middle, facing the ring, for Arthur.

Many people were waiting for Arthur. These were all the people who wished to take part in the test to enter the crew.

Young people, old people, man, woman. All kinds of people were there, eagerly waiting for Arthur to show up.

“I don’t get it. Why do so many people want to join my crew?” Arthur gazed at the woman who led him to that room, hoping for an answer.

“It is normal. A new crew is rare these days, and most people don’t have the chance to enter the most famous ones. So, you can say this is a gold opportunity for most people.” The woman said with a bright smile, and Arthur understood everything.

“They are thinking just because it is a new crew, they will have an easier time getting in. Haha, dream on.” thought Arthur, as he smiled wickedly.

With steady steps, Arthur made his way to the throne that was near the ring. He sat and gazed at all the people who wished to join the crew. Most weren’t that high level, but it was a good start.

“Everyone is here today for the test. I’ll not make you lose time. I’ll call two of you randomly each time, and you’ll fight. The winner goes to the winners block, where I’ll be doing the test myself. Understood?”

They moved their heads in response. Everyone already expected the test to be about fighting. No one could turn into a pirate without strength, and Arthur couldn’t conquer the ocean with weak people.

“All right. You, and you!”

Arthur pointed to two random people. Most were of similar level, so there wasn’t a problem of it being unfair. The two chosen stepped inside the ring and prepared themselves to fight.

Before the fight started, someone walked in out of a sudden. It was Kai who slept too much and was late for the test.

“Sorry, boss!”

Kai was the vice-leader of the ship, so he needed to watch everything and give his thoughts to Arthur. Anyway, now that he arrived and sat near Arthur, the fights began.


After two hours of fighting, 12 participants passed to the second test. Out of these 12, Arthur was interested in only 3.

“All right. All of you were waiting for another test to join my crew. That’s all bullshit. We are here for two hours already and I have more things to do. You are all now part of the Frostpeak crew. Welcome!”

“Here, a new set of clothing to each one of you, and 1 gold coin. Prepare yourselves because we will leave in two days.”

“Our ship is still in maintenance, but I expect all of you to meet me in the port in two days, at dawn. Understood?”

All of them nodded in response. They had smiles all over, and couldn’t believe they finally entered a pirate crew. It was like a dream, and now they would have the chance to explore the oceans and make a fortune for themselves.


“Everything went well, right?” asked Kai as he and Arthur walked through the streets of Athegas, returning to their room.

“Yeah, it did. Tomorrow we should look for a decent task in the pirates’ guild for us. We need to make a lot of money and become famous.”

“To find your friends? Man, I’m so excited to meet them. Are they all strong like you?”

“They are strong, but I’m the strongest.”

“Yeah, sure.”

The afternoon sun shone brightly at the sky, and the people who were at the street passed by, taking off their jackets. A blue sky in the city of Athegas was not a rare occasion, but it was the first time Arthur could stop and appreciate it.

Kai left, stating he wanted to see how the ship was going. Arthur let him take care of that, saying nothing. It was like a test to see if he was ready to become the vice-leader.

“You piece of shit! I told you to give me 1 gold coin by the end of the week. What’s this shit?” Someone yelled from an alley, and Arthur heard everything as he passed by.

He wouldn’t mingle in the business of others, but the person who was being threatened was someone he knew.

“The youth from the nightclub!”

Arthur went to the dark alley, as stealthily as he could, to avoid being noticed. The youth was all beaten up, and three older man were around him. These older men looked like thugs, and were demanding money from the youth.

“It seems he has no choice but to steal. Damn it. How unfair…”

They punched, kicked, and said disgusting words to the youth. All of that for money. It was cruel, and Arthur couldn’t take it anymore.

“Hey, you three pieces of shit. How about fighting against me?”

“Who the fuck are you?” the leader of the thugs looked at the youth and said, “did you bring back up? Hahaha, it is worthless.”

“Stab him!” The leader yelled, and the two men ran in Arthur’s direction, wielding rusty knives.

The one at the front thought he could stab Arthur easily, but got his hand grabbed and squeezed, almost turning the bones into dust.

“Ahhhhh! Fuck, my hand!”

Before the man could do anything else, Arthur slapped him, making him faint. The other one, who was slightly behind, saw everything, and thought for a moment if he should go in. That hesitation cost him, as Arthur was now the one going towards him, breaking both of his arms and knocking him out.

The leader saw everything and his legs trembled at how strong Arthur was. He knew he would be the next, so he grabbed the youth and pointed a knife at him.

“Try anything against me and this youth dies! I’m war-” before he could finish the sentence, Arthur had thrown up the rusty knife from the man, and it stabbed the leader’s throat. He was dead.

“It is you. Thank you for saving me!” The youth fell and cried.

“Hey, kid. Ever dreamed of becoming a pirate?”

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