The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 106 part2

JiangNan’s face changed. He didn’t expect that the person who sent the oil would be JiangYue Lan. This is simply too ridiculous! If it is said that Jiang Yue Lan harmedLi Chang Le, he could never believe this. If Jiang Yue Lan is just a stepmother,she will naturally hate the child left behind by the former wife, for fear thatshe would steal away her own child’s favor and status. But Jiang Yue Lan wasfrom the Jiang family, and her father relied on Jiang Xu’s power. If she wantsto stand firm in the Li family, it is impossible for her to not form analliance with Li Chang Le. How could she break her own arms?! So, in otherwords, someone must have tampered it?! He asked: "Could it have beensomeone who have tampered it?!"

JiangYue Lan’s face became paler and paler. She hurriedly said: “Must be! Someonemust have tampered it!”

Atthis time, Li Xiao Ran also understood, but he couldn’t let Jiang Nan off thiseasily, so he said coldly: "The peony head oil was bought from the outside,only your people have handled it. Who could have poisoned it?" He said ashe watched Jiang Yue Lan with a hint of distrust.

LiWei Yang shook her head and kindly said: "Father, Mother is a kind person,how could she do such a vicious thing? The steward must have been bribed andtampered it. From what I see, why don’t we imprison him and then interrogatehim." In this case, it is natural to have her handwriting, first bribe thesteward’s mistress and promised her one hundred pounds of gold. Because everytime this steward returns to the Jade Shop, he would send the money to his owncourtyard and it was during this time that Li Wei Yang sent someone over toswitch the head oil. She framed him now mainly because Jiang Yue Lan had him inthe palm of her hand. As for his mistress, she has already run away with the moneyand disappeared without a trace...

JiangYue Lan knew that Li Xiao Ran wasn’t suspicious of her but simply wanted toembarrass Jiang Nan. Although she was wronged, but keeping her life is muchmore important. She only said: "Lao Ye, I am really stupid. I was used by someoneand sent the head oil to Da Xiaojie, Lao Ye please punish me."

JiangNan certainly didn’t believe the steward tampered it and coldly said:"This steward would naturally be strictly investigated! As for otherpeople’s rooms, they must also be searched!"

TheLao Furen coughed aloud and said: "General Wuwei, your third-rankedposition would not suffice to search a first-ranked official’s household!"The Lao Furen opened her mouth and everyone’s faces showed strong rejection. SiYiniang was the first to speak: "Yes, Young Master Jiang, this is not theJiang family, how could we let you search just because you said to search! Youare too arrogant!"

LiXiao Ran snorted coldly and said: "Of course, if you ask for the imperialedict, then you can do it."

Inthis situation, if Jiang Nan must have a fallout, he was afraid that Li XiaoRan will drag him into the palace to see the Emperor and demand that he be punishedfor his disrespect! In this stalemate, Jiang Nan’s attitude changed and hesuddenly kneeled. His face heavy and said: "Today Jiang Nan has beenreckless, Lao Furen please forgive me! But cousin has been innocently harmed, ifJiang Nan didn’t investigate, I’m afraid that I can’t explain to my family! LaoFuren, Cousin is also your biological granddaughter. Now that she had become likethis, how can you not do anything? If this leaks it, others may think that theLi family has harmed my cousin!"

Li Wei Yang was extremely surprised that Jiang Nan would actually kneel down toLao Furen. She felt that he was an overbearing young general. Now it seemed likehe was not a coward! Because as long as he softens his attitude and treat LaoFuren as his senior, he is also reminding the Li family that the two familiesare still relatives.

“A joke! Such a huge joke!” Lao furen coldly spoke:“Jiang Nan, you are going too far!” Right at this moment, Jiang Yue Lan lightlyput in: “Oh, Lao Furen, since General Wu Wei wants to investigate, then we shouldlet him do so. If not, what if he leaves telling others that our family is protectingthe murderer, then what can we do? Our centuries long reputation cannot withstandsuch defamation.” Her words seem to be spoken for the Li family and no wrongs couldbe found from them.

Ahesitant expression flashed across Lao furen’s face. Yes, if Jiang Nan spreadsrumor, the Li family would become a place where murderers are protected.

LiXiao Ran gave his new wife a glance until she uncomfortably lowered her head.He waved his hand and said: “You all, go search each person’s courtyard. If yousee something similar to this dirty thing, bring them forth!”

Afew supervising Mamas bought their yatous along to search through each room. LiWei Yang gave Zhao Yue a look and saw that she gently nodded her head. Shesmiled and then turned her head to ask Lu Gong: “I wonder if Dajie’s appearancewould be able to recover?”

Theexpression on Lu Gong’s face was incomprehensible, he bitterly smiled: “This ...I can’t do anything to help.”

JiangYue Lan was also anxious: “What, not even a single way?”

LuGong then said: “To be able to save her life is already fortunate enough, howcould she recover back to normal?”

JiangYue Lan looked at Li Chang Le who didn’t know of anything as she laid there.Her face revealed indistinguishable pain: “My poor child! What will you do inthe future!” She spoke but didn’t dare to go close to the bed. A glance at LiChang Le’s frightening appearance gave one nightmares.

JiangNan wasn’t concerned with Li Chang Le’s appearance. He has seen countlesspeople disfigured on the battlefield so he didn’t care too much about this. Heonly cared about if he was able to find the evidence in Li Wei Yang’s room. Itwas well-known that Liu Mama was skilled in this area; with small traces, sheis able to follow the clues and seize the culprit. He believed that Li Wei Yangmust have left evidence behind! By this time, he had already forgotten abouthis cousin and instead cared more about victory. He was unwilling to believethat he would lose to an unworldly young maiden!

Ithas been fully an hour and no one in the room had made a single sound. Only inbetween that Lao Furen had the tea replenished four times, had two rounds ofsnacks, and spoke a few words with Li Wei Yang. Others didn’t have much moodand only exchanged glances once in a while to express their discomfort andstress. It was a type of stress that made it difficult to breath; yatous andmamas all had their heads down, all afraid to anger whichever master.

JiangNan observed Li Wei Yang, her face didn’t reveal any trace of guilt or fear norwas there a single trace of discomfort. He had to admire her because he hadnever seen such a scheming girl that made others fearful. As for his FifthBrother, the Lu Gong on the side, could only sip tea with his head down. He hadseen countless of injuries but he didn’t dare to go look at Li Chang Le’s face.Now, he felt pity for Li Chang Le, with her hideous appearance, how will sheget married off?

JiangYue Lan sat on the side accompanying the solemn Li Xiao Ran, with a face ofrestraint until Luo Mama came in with a tray in her hands.

JiangNan immediately revealed a smile, believing that he had seek victory.

ButLuo Mama actually opened her mouth and said: “We’ve already examined, thefragrance oil in Third Xiaojie’s courtyard also has problems.”

Withthose words spoken, Jiang Nan’s smile was like a hand being bent, momentarilyturned extremely monstrous. He looked towards Liu Mama yet she other shook herhead, damned, how could it be like this!

LiWei Yang’s expression showed grief: “Lao Furen, I would have never thought thatyour granddaughter’s fragrance oil also has problems ......”

LaoFuren patted her hand and said: “Luckily you don’t usually use this or else youand Chang Le will both become like this today.”

LiWei Yang sighed: “Yes, if it wasn’t because I’ve forgotten to reward it to themaids, I’m afraid Bai Zhi and others wouldn’t have been able to escape thisincident!” Her face showed complete ignorance.

JiangNan incredulously watched as Li Wei Yang acted. He knew perfectly well thatthis damn girl was acting and that she was the mastermind behind this incidentbut he couldn’t say anything! He was thinking about how the tactics he used onthe battlefield couldn’t be used in this situation so even if he used histactics, he would still have to overtly fight this battle. But Li Wei Yang, shewasn’t like this, she would dig a hole for herself to jump into. She would sitand watch on the side and then fiercely step on you again to ensure youwouldn’t have the capability to stand up again. That’s right, she was using himfrom the start. It was him who wanted a full investigation and take advantageof Liu Mama’s meticulous eyes to find evidence yet it provided Li Wei Yang anopportunity to free herself from suspicion. This meant that Li Wei Yang hascleaned up all her traces that even Liu Mama who was such a shrewd andscrupulous person couldn’t do anything to her! Jiang Nan can’t be blamed forhaving such high expectations on Liu Mama; he thought that way largely becauseLiu Mama has served as an old maid in the palace for twenty years. Since shewas sent over to assist Li Chang Le, she definitely had the brains!

LiChang Xiao was actually frightened, she held onto Fourth Yiniang’s sleeve andsaid: “Mother, when the head oil was sent over last time, this maidaccidentally spilled it or else I will become like Eldest Sister?!”

FourthYiniang, of course, revealed traces of shock in her expression, since shedidn’t even know of this.

JiangNan bit his teeth and said: “The head oil from Third Miss’ room has poison,this means there are two possibilities. The first is she is the victim. Theother possibility is she is the one who had the poison in the first place!”

LiWei Yang frowned and said: “Cousin, watch what you are saying! I didn’t sendover this head oil, so how could I poison it?! Are you trying to say I colludedwith Mother to poison Eldest Sister?! Or you’re trying to say I’ve bribed thesteward to add the poison? If you truly believe so, then why don’t you tieMother, the steward, and me up to interrogate, and see what results you get!Your suspicion is a joke!”

JiangYue Lan’s expression turned pale. She couldn’t believe that Li Wei Yang alsodragged her into this and there was nothing more she could say to clarify sinceshe was the one who sent over the head oil; moreover, the steward was herpeople?! This was not a secret in the residence! No matter what she says, itwouldn’t help!

JiangNan fiercely glared at Jiang Yue Lan, blaming her for doing too much. Rightwhen he was about to continue his rage on Li Wei Yang, Li Xiao Ran coldlyvoiced: “Enough!”

LiXiao Ran didn’t know how this happened but he only felt annoyance. He hadalready lost a daughter so whether this had anything to do with Li Wei Yang, hehad to defend her. Since now that Li Chang Le is ruined, he can’t lose twodaughters in the span of a day! So, he coldly stared at Jiang Nan and said:“You’ve already did a search in my residence, now what more trouble do you wantto cause! This incident is the Li’s family matter, so if Jiang Xu has anyopinions, he can come seek me! Now that Chang Le has been injured, I onlywished that she focuses on recuperation, as for other things, we’ll discuss inthe future! If you don’t want to leave yet, you can stay in guest room andenjoy some tea. Just don’t let me hear you make wild accusations to implicate others!”

JiangNan’s expression turned worse because he didn’t expect Li Xiao Ran to be thisunyielding but he was also to be blamed for being too arrogant. Now that he wasasked to leave, he certainly couldn’t accept it, he coldly said: “Since Unclewants me to leave, then I would leave. But Li family must give as anexplanation on this matter!” After he was done speaking, he gave Lu Gong awarning and then immediately left.

LaoFuren stared at his silhouette and revealed a chilled smile. Jiang Xu wouldn’thave dared to play tricks in the Li family; the young ones just couldn’t retaintheir composures. But, the Jiangs have become more and more arrogant, this way,they will die even faster. She lightly let out a sigh and said: “I’ll leaveeverything to Lu Gong.” She was ready to return to her room to rest because shereally couldn’t stand looking at Li Chang Le’s terrifying face any longer. Ifshe had to look at her for three days, she wouldn’t have the appetite to eat.

LiWei Yang helped her up and said: “I’ll escort you back.”

LaoFuren patted her hand and said: “No need, you should return to rest too.” Thenshe told everyone: “Everyone leave.”

FourthYiniang and Li Chang Xiao acted as if they were granted amnesty as theyhurriedly followed behind Lao Furen.

LiWei Yang gently said: “Father, Mother, both have been exhausted the entire dayand should rest, your daughter will leave now.”

LiXiao Ran looked at Li Wei Yang, seemingly wanted to say something butultimately didn’t and instead sighed as he watched her leave. Knowing betterthan one’s teacher, speaking of this merciless daughter of his, she was similarto his young self! Towards blood-related sisters, she didn’t leave her an openpath. But he also knew very well that Li Wei Yang must have found out aboutsomething that after a long period of holding back, she suddenly exploded,perhaps Min Zhi’s poisoning incident. He gave Li Chang Le who was resting onthe bed one last glance, shook his head, and then Jiang Yue Lan softly said:“Lao Ye, I will rest with you.”

LiXiao Ran nodded and then leisurely strolled out. Jiang Yue Lan smiled at LuGong, then worriedly gave Li Chang Le a look and followed behind.

OnlyLi Chang Le’s maidservants and Lu Gong were left in the room. Lu Gong looked LiChang Le and couldn’t help but shiver. This face was too horrifying that he hadalready started to feel fear. If Li Chang Le wakes up, he’s afraid she willturn insane!

Nevertheless,avoiding is no use, on the seventh night, Li Chang Le suddenly opened her eyes.

TanXiang held a bowl of water as she walked in. She suddenly heard Li Chang Lecalled her name, she was surprised that she quickly stepped inside.

LiChang Le’s beautiful hair was gone and this was difficult to hide from her. Butshe hasn’t seen her face yet and no one in the room dared to tell her. Even thefavored Liu Mama seek out various reasons to stay outside, so Li Chang Le couldalso shout: “My hair! What happened to my hair!”

TanXiang could only feel her own scalps turning numb and didn’t dare to look ather face. She could only utter: “Miss, your hair will regrow ...... we have Lu Gong!”

LiChang Le only felt pain throughout her body. She looked down and realizednumerous parts of her body were wrapped with cloth and on there were traces ofblood. She subconsciously said: “Bring me water to wash my face.”

TanXiang dropped her head as she bought the bowl of water over. But she was threesteps away from Li Chang Le and didn’t dare to inch closer. Li Chang Lehollered: “Are you deaf, bring the bowl of water over!”

TanXiang’s body was trembling and ultimately carried the bowl over as Li Chang Lecoldly remarked: “Useless thing!” Without finishing her thought, shesubconsciously looked down and saw herself in the water, a face filled withbloodied flesh and scars ......

LiWei Yang arrived at the courtyard’s entrance and heard a horrifying shriek. Sheturned her ehad and smilingly said to Zhao Yue: “Hold onto the gift, let’s goin.”

Inthe corridor, Lu Gong heard the shriek and felt unease as he paced into theroom and bumped into Li Wei Yang at the entrance. At this moment, Lu Gongcouldn’t laugh or cry and could only follow behind as they all entered.

LiChang Le saw Li Wei Yang and then crazily ran over from her bed. Tan Xiang heldher back and she thoughtlessly gave Tan Xiang a slap. Lu Gong hurried over:“Eldest Miss! You can’t be infuriated! Your wounds will break open!”

LiChang Le didn’t care like she was mentally ill. She yelled: “Li Wei Yang, youbitch! You’ve made me turn into this! You bitch! I want to kill you! I mustkill you!” She didn’t even think about this and assumed that Li Wei Yang wasthe one behind this. The poison was originally used by her!

LiWei Yang coldly said: “Are you all dead? Can’t you see Eldest Miss is mentallyunstable, hurry and hold her down!” All the maids looked at one another andfrightened that something would happen, they hurried over to hold Li Chang Le.Li Chang Le was held down on the chair by the strong old maids. She struggledto move and both her eyes emitted bloody red murderous expressions as shehatefully stared at Li Wei Yang: “Li Wei Yang, you bitch! You will die a horribledeath!”

Thesewords were very familiar, Li Wei Yang couldn’t help but revealed a ponderingexpression. Oh, it was something the former Official Furen had said to her. Itseems like she lives a lucky life, no matter what, she wouldn’t die. On theother hand, Li Chang Le had become someone who rather die than to live.Pondering upon this, perhaps the Official Furen was right, she, Li Wei Yang,was brought to this world to cause the dooms for others, particularly theOfficial Furen and Li Chang Le! As a result, that’s why they’ve become likethis!

LiWei Yang stared at Li Chang Le’s unbearable face. Her appearance was only likea deity but now her whole face has been ripped apart by her own doing. Theflesh on her cheeks has been rendered bloodied by her own scratching,specifically that pair of crystal eyes. Her face seemed like it had beenrotting for more than ten days ...... it was an extremely nauseating sight. Thisface, even if it was treated, was still completely ruined. Li Wei Yang feltgratification and joy but to let this satisfaction reached its peak, she slowlysaid: “Eldest Sister, don’t be this stirred, I’ve come here today to visit you,Zhao Yue, hang the gift I’ve bought Eldest Sister on the wall.” Zhao Yueanswered with a yes and then strolled over to the wall, hung up a painting, andthen backed up to the side.

LiChang Le’s eyes gaped open and saw a painting of a beauty on the wall. In agarden of peonies was an alluring beauty with handsome eyes and well-shapedbrows. Like a deity, she was wearing a shining attire with flatteringcrab-apple flowers on the skirt. Her waist was slim, which shows off her finestature and air similar to that of Zhao Feiyan. With one glance, she knew itwas her herself! No, it was her old self!

LiWei Yang harmoniously smiled and sweetly said: “Eldest Sister, I’ve createdthis painting for you in three sleepless nights. I’ve broken countless of paintbrushes to create a painting for you to your satisfaction. I’ve ordered to havethis be hung on your wall. Lu Gong said he will seek out everything to help yourecover your appearance. But he has never seen your once beautiful appearanceso I was thinking he should have an idea. So I’ve created this painting, ifyour appearance can’t be recovered, then you can cherish memories of it.”

LuGong couldn’t believe his ideas. He suddenly understood Li Wei Yang’sintentions because at this moment, Li Chang Le had already howled like a pigslayer. She struggled to jump onto Li Wei Yang but these maids used all theirstrength to hold her down that she couldn’t take one step. So, she could onlyslap her won face as if she wanted to completely peel it apart. This was such asympathetic scene. Lu Gong quickly reacted and shouted: “Hold down your Miss!Hurry!”

Themaids quickly held back Li Chang Le and even used cloths to tie up her handsand feet. Because of her intense struggle, Li Chang Le rolled off from thechair onto the floor. She cried ferociously like a leprosy victim that had beenplaced under control. Her face seemed like that that even a few maids lookedaway. They all thought that the Eldest Miss’ face had become this horrifying tolook at. It was as if she was an imprisoned beast that had been released aftera few days. Li Chang Le’s face was held down with dust gliding over her face.She lifted her face and her venomous eyes stared straight at Li Wei Yang, sheloudly cried: “Bitch! I am going to kill you! I will definitely kill you!”

Atthis moment, Li Wei Yang quietly watched her, her expression didn’t showsatisfaction nor did it show disgust, only calmness, calmness with depth. Hereyes were like a well with her pupils reflecting Li Chang Le’s dismay andhopelessness. Whereas, it wasn’t showing any of her true expressions, onlyslight coldness.

LuGong, no, Jiang Fifth Brother, was standing not too far away as he quietlystudied her expression. He couldn’t help but to think that Li Wei Yang’sappearance couldn’t rival Li Chang Le but her scheming was definitely superiorto the latter. Right when Li Chang Le was at a complacent position, Li Wei Yangmade a ruthless attack, making one shudder at the thought.


Translator: Erie

Editor: Erie

Next: Chapter 107 Part 1


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