Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 301 - Injuries


The speed at which the blue flare of fire was traveling certainly slowed down and several flames shot up into the sky lighting up the dark night. The problem was that contrary to Bai Zemin\'s expectations, the torrent of fire continued to move in his direction.

Taken by surprise, Bai Zemin unconsciously raised both arms in front of his face hurriedly to cover himself.


A bang that, while inferior to the bang caused when Bai Zemin fell from the sky was still undoubtedly loud, shook the forest again on the same night and within a short space of time of the previous one.

The blue fire was bright enough to illuminate everything hundreds of meters around and the temperature of the flames was so high that the entire twenty meters around the dragon-like beast began to melt while rocks began to form small pools of lava inside the crater.



Bai Zemin leaped hurriedly and rose high into the sky with his arms still covering the front of his body mainly focused on protecting his face.

"Fuck man..." Bai Zemin didn\'t know how many times he had already cursed in just one night.

A grimace of pain involuntarily appeared on his face and as he activated Gravity Manipulation in reverse on himself and the surrounding area to slow down the falling speed, he looked at his body to confirm his current condition.

His fingers were moderately burned, while nothing dangerous, it still hurt a lot. His gloves received severe burns and it was quite obvious that their durability had dropped to a point where they would not be able to withstand two attacks more of that magnitude.

As for his Bloodthirsty Wolf Full Body Armor Rank 2, some minuscule marks could be seen on the top and especially on the arm reinforcement.

To be able to affect even my Rank 2 armor that flame is definitely very dangerous! Bai Zemin thought as a spark of caution was born in his heart.

If not for the fact that he had forged equipment of considerably good quality, his entire body would have received burns worse than when he fought the First Order Blazing Beetle, and if not for the fact that the leather and materials he used to forge his equipment were of the highest category considering that the apocalypse had just begun on Earth, everything would probably have already caught fire or melted into a pile of useless junk.

Just because Bai Zemin was basically invincible among First Order existences didn\'t mean that he couldn\'t be injured if he wasn\'t careful!

"Fortunately it\'s merely a First Order beast. If he were a Second Order I could have been severely injured..." He muttered as his gaze met the monster\'s cold stare.

The dragon-like beast had already stood up, pushing its full height to maximum splendor. The monster was definitely a massive existence comparable to the Reinforced Iron Boar in terms of height reaching over thirty meters! Its colossal height coupled with its terrifying length made the view of the monster no different from seeing a legendary dragon!

While Bai Zemin was in the mid-air, his brain was like a supercomputer analyzing every move and every second of the previous short confrontation. It only took him two or three seconds to understand the reason why his Gravity Manipulation didn\'t work as it was supposed to, which eventually led to him receiving minor burns.

The beast didn\'t give him much time to think either anyhow. Immediately after standing up, with a large step, it crossed a distance of fifty meters in the blink of an eye and opened its maw wide for the second time.

The fire breath shot out from inside the beast and in a short time reached Bai Zemin, who because he was in mid-air could not move freely and thus had no ability to maneuver to dodge the incoming attack.

Bai Zemin snorted as he saw the tornado of blue fire flying in his direction and activated Gravity Manipulation x15, plummeting towards the ground and easily evading the attack of the monster.

However, learning from his previous experience, just before hitting the ground he activated Gravity Manipulation again but this time it was in reverse. The falling speed was drastically reduced immediately and when his feet touched the ground they barely made any sound, unlike the huge explosion that would have taken place considering his weight multiplied by fifteen.

Seeing that its attack failed to reach the hated human that injured it in such a way, and feeling the lingering pain in the back of its body, the dragon-like beast roared angrily before opening its mouth again preparing to activate its fire skill once more.

Bai Zemin could easily have ended the monster\'s life if he wanted to. However, since his goal was to train the pros, cons, and limits of the Gravity Manipulation skill instead of casually killing the monster, he stood patiently waiting for the attack.

Besides, he still needed to check whether his previous analysis was correct or not. If it proved to be correct, then he would only do a few more tests on this monster before killing it once and for all.

The beast could not activate its skill for the third time right away and required charging for a full two seconds. This was also understandable since its attack skill was surprisingly powerful to the point of melting rocks into lava and changing terrain almost freely. It also explained the reason why its physical body seemed to be so robust and powerful as well as the reason why its tail seemed to be a deadly weapon.

With its tail as a weapon and its body as a shield, it would be incredibly difficult to defeat this creature even while it was charging its skill!

After two seconds, a third breath of blue fire flew out towards Bai Zemin at full speed.

The smell of burning filled the air and if not for the fact that the grass several hundred meters around had already been swept away by Bai Zemin\'s initial attack it would definitely have caused a wildfire.

Bai Zemin half-closed his eyes and waited. Just when the fire attack was ten meters in front of him, he didn\'t even think twice when he activated Gravity Manipulation to its peak.


The ground immediately sank and the earth rumbled slightly. However, the most surprising thing was that the fire breath that was advancing in a straight line like an unstoppable laser was directly dragged to the ground!


Flames burst everywhere uncontrollably one after another. However, these flames that had left the main flare didn\'t have too much power so when some of them came close to Bai Zemin he just casually hit them with the back of his hand.

"So that really was why." He said aloud with a satisfied expression on his face. "Because this monster expels breath from inside its body and continues to bestow mana to the skill until it closes its mouth completely, when I activated Gravity Manipulation inverted, the only thing that happened was that the flames flying in front flew off into the sky but the ones coming behind simply continued to charge while the new ones pushed harder, which overcame the reduced gravity effect."

"As expected of you, Zemin Computer!"

Lilith\'s voice sounded from behind him followed by a round of clapping in praise.

"Do you want me to spank your ass again, little succubus?" He joked in good humor.

"Kya! So wild! So dominant!" Lilith put both hands to her cheeks and shook her head with a big smile on her face.

When the beast finally closed its mouth and the fire skill disappeared, smoke rose from the sides of its maw. The beast looked dazed as it saw that its skill did not work as it was supposed to work, and for a moment it seemed at a loss as to what to do next.

But seeing its hated enemy standing silently and looking at it calmly, the beast remembered the injustices it suffered and charged again. Three seconds later, the blue flame shot out once again from its mouth and burned everything in its path with seemingly unstoppable power.

Bai Zemin had kept his Gravity Manipulation skill active by 15 since that way the Mana consumption was considerably less, and since he didn\'t have to make any changes to the power or the way he used the skill, it wasn\'t necessary anyway.

Therefore, when the fire flare entered the range of effect of the skill, the same thing that happened in the previous case was repeated.

Once, twice, three, four times....

Bai Zemin tried a couple more times to be sure how the skill worked in these cases to prepare well against fire-type monsters with sustained skills like the beast in front of him.

Just like when he played video games as a kid, Bai Zemin really liked to test his strength and limits with weak enemies since only that way he would have the ability to fight to his full potential against a powerful enemy while experiencing as few unpleasant surprises as possible.

I guess that\'s enough for now. He thought with a slight smile, apparently feeling no pain from his slightly scorched fingers.

Just as the beast closed its mouth again after activating its skill for the tenth time, a flash of exhaustion flashed through its orange-colored eyes. Because it was a hybrid monster with a powerful magical skill and a powerful body, its optimal combat style was supposed to use both while letting its mana slowly regenerate in the midst of combat.

However, from the moment the battle started, the beast had only wanted to turn its enemy into a pile of ashes. Normally this should be the case, but unfortunately, the monster was facing a monster even more bestial than itself; which in the end resulted in it becoming fatigued.


Bai Zemin leaped into the air soaring dozens of meters in the blink of an eye, and just before he started to fall, he activated Gravity Manipulation in reverse. Immediately after that, he activated Blood Manipulation.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!...

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!...

The dragon-like monster did not know when but suddenly found itself surrounded by a large number of chains formed from its own blood. Even before the beast could react, a dozen thick chains the size of a burly adult man locked around its four limbs, its neck, and its mouth was tightly sealed shut.


The chains tightened and the beast\'s four limbs came together, so that the monster ended up falling heavily to the ground after losing its balance.

The beast tried to roar in anger, but the blood chains that bound its mouth only crackled without breaking immediately. The rest of the blood chains that tied it also tightened and the cracks began to spread one after another at surprising speeds; it wouldn\'t be strange if the next moment they broke.


Just then, the wind suddenly trembled and the beast turned its eyes to look up.

In the monster\'s pupils, just as happened when it was sleeping, was reflected a silhouette plummeting at speeds simply too fast from a height of over a hundred meters; after all the monster was still inside the huge crater!

"You were a good punching bag!" Bai Zemin thanked with a slightly fierce smile on his face as he clenched his fist and punched forward without holding back in the slightest.

A fist that besides containing 371 Strength points also contained the falling speed of over a hundred meters boosted by an increased x15 gravity!

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3/3 chaps today. Done!

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