Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 351 - Negotiations Fail And The War Begins

What Bai Zemin estimated to be approximately 120,000 goblins or more seemed to understand his words and the mocking intent behind them as all of the small but evil green creatures began to growl and yell intangible words in his direction. Many of them even took a step forward while baring their long fangs at the same time as others slammed their weapons against the ground as if they wanted to show how angry they were.

The expression on the faces of the five leaders of the goblin army also became contorted when they heard such words and even the calm and seemingly always composed Geminder could not stop his aura from bursting outwards, causing all the goblins to unconsciously muffle their growls and look at him with reverence.

Perhaps, Bai Zemin was unaware of how insulting his words were since he was a human, and from his birth until only recently mankind was the only intelligent race on Earth despite often committing stupid acts that even an ape would not commit. However, what he had just said was extremely humiliating for the goblins.

This was because the goblins considered themselves to be a superior race due to their intelligence and because from birth even the weakest goblin was already level 2. Therefore, being compared to beasts that were dumb and without any sense of intelligence, the goblins were naturally enraged beyond words.

"I\'m trying to cooperate with you... But if you only know how to insult our goblin race, I\'m afraid this place will become your graveyard, and this day next year will become the anniversary date of your death."

Geminder\'s voice sounded extremely calm, however, in the middle of the silent battlefield his voice was clear enough for most of the living beings present to hear. Moreover, Bai Zemin could sense the hidden anger in his voice, which showed that the main goblin leader was making a great effort to restrain himself.

"Won\'t you reconsider?" Geminder asked with narrowed eyes before waving his hand and letting out a strange shout towards the sky.


The goblins let out strange sounds from their mouths, sounds that seemed to be a battle cry before 30,000 of them charged towards the human convoy that was advancing at pitifully slow speeds. It did not take long for them to catch up as the convoy had barely covered a little more than a kilometer.

Apart from Shangguan Bing Xue, the people with the highest rank were Kang Lan and Fu Xuefeng, being followed by Lu Yan who temporarily held the position of Captain. Since Lu Yan was the person with the most knowledge in operations of this kind due to the fact that he had spent his whole life as a high commander in the chain of police officers, he was usually the one who took charge.

However, Shangguan Bing Xue proved that she could also command armies.

"Every team leader; pay attention to my order." She looked at the green goblins a little over 200 meters away and her blue eyes flashed coldly as she calmly directed, "Form a star formation around the vehicles with passengers and supplies, ignore the vehicles with beast bodies and forging materials. Focus entirely on defense. I want every soul evolver to position themselves back to back and protect each other."

Because there were many new recruits who still needed more military training, it was a bit chaotic at first and many panicked when they were surrounded by what seemed to be a sea of enemies. However, the calmness in the voice of the woman standing bravely over the dead body of a huge scaled rhinoceros made them unconsciously relax a bit and they slowly began to adhere to the orders they had just received.

The muzzles of the light machine guns and assault rifles were pointed at the goblins while the several soul evolvers at the front held on to their weapons tightly.

Many of the soldiers and soul evolvers could not help but tremble when they saw the clear difference in numbers. However, after what happened two nights ago, they all unconsciously believed that somehow or other, numbers were no longer so important; at least not when next to them stood monsters capable of annihilating entire armies with their attacks!

Therefore, they all had determined looks even though their hands were sweating tremendously.

Inside what was once a human base, Bai Zemin looked at Geminder indifferently. He did not stop the movement of the 30,000+ goblins at all and instead decided that it was time to get started and end this farce once and for all.

"Reconsider?" he repeated with coldness and then replied, "What am I supposed to reconsider? I have absolutely nothing to consider to begin with. On the contrary, I have a proposal to make to you goblin."

"The audacity!" Kreir, the blue-skinned goblin who had split the building back of Bai Zemin in two shouted angrily. "You want to offer a proposal? Don\'t you realize the position you\'re in?! You fucking stupid human!"

Bai Zemin\'s eyes suddenly shifted at lightning speed towards Kreir\'s position and with a thought, he directly spent 70 Mana points to activate Blood Manipulation and send a magical attack towards him.

Kreir\'s face changed as he felt the invading power causing the blood inside him to go wild and out of control. He hastily began to consume his own Mana in an attempt to undercut the internal magical attack, but to his horror, he found that it was not as easy as he thought it would be.


Kreir took two steps back and his mouth opened at the same time as a strong spurt of blood flew uncontrollably from within. His eyes widened in shock as he stared in disbelief at his own blood, unable to believe what he was experiencing at this moment.

Kreir\'s Magic stat was 570 points, which he figured was enough to deal with anyone below the Second Order. Unfortunately to him, Bai Zemin\'s Magic stat added to the treasures he carried in his body was close to 800 points!

With such a large difference, it was no wonder Kreir met a miserable fate despite putting up a resistance.


"Hey, you useless dick!"

"Are you okay?!"


The other four leaders of the goblin race had different kinds of reactions when they saw the miserable condition of their companion.

Kreir was in no condition to care about the reactions of his fellow goblins, let alone respond to them. He raised his head and looked at the human he initially thought was a weakling in disbelief.

"Who told you that you can speak?" Bai Zemin looked at Kreir with wide eyes like those of a person who had gone mad with rage and said in a chilling voice, "I\'m already lowering myself by talking to you, filthy beasts. Since it is like this, I want only the leader of the apes to speak, not some random ape like you. Do you understand my words, goblin?"

"You..." Kreir felt anger bubbling up inside him. Since when had he, a glorious Second Order goblin who could have whatever he wanted whenever he wanted, ever received a humiliation of such magnitude in his life?! Even when he had been defeated by Germinder in the past for the position of the main leader he had not felt so humiliated as he did now!

"If I hear a single more word come out of your filthy mouth, then I swear to you by the most precious in the world to me, which is my family, that I will rip your head off before you can even utter a second one!" Bai Zemin cut him off and the murderous intent in his heart reached its peak.

The faint crimson aura around him suddenly burst out completely and in an instant reached Geminder\'s level, even tending to surpass him in no time if it kept going like this!

Kreir\'s expression froze and the next words he had planned to say due to his anger got stuck in his throat. Even with his arrogant personality and need to express everything loudly, he didn\'t dare say anything more when his bulging eyes met the human\'s seemingly crazed gaze a few hundred meters away. Unconsciously, Kreir felt that if he said one more word his life would truly end here.

"How about you listen to my offer now?" Bai Zemin decided to completely ignore all the goblins and focused on the main one. As he looked at Germinder, who was obviously the strongest goblin among all those present, he said in a calm tone of voice, "You and the four beside you can leave together with the First Order goblins. In return, the Unclassified goblin army must surrender and become slaves to my human race. How\'s that? That\'s not a bad deal, huh?"

The reason why Bai Zemin was willing to let the five Second Order goblins go was not out of fear, he was confident that sooner rather than later they would all end up falling at his feet. The problem and the real reason he proposed something like this was because while he had no problems, the same could not be said for the convoy a kilometer outside the base.

How many would die in this confrontation? Bai Zemin did not know the exact number, but he knew clearly that they would probably not be few.

As for the reason why he proposed that the Unclassified goblins become slaves was because he had witnessed with his own eyes how the lower goblins obeyed the orders of those higher up unconditionally. This also meant that if Geminder, who was the strongest among them ordered to obey Bai Zemin, there was at least a 60-70% chance that they would do so despite their unwillingness.

Even if Bai Zemin did not like goblins because of all the things they had probably done to many humans so far and the things they would do in the future, a cannon fodder army of over 100,000 goblins was not something he could overlook. Many things would become enormously easier for him if he could control these goblins in one way or another.

Unfortunately, just like Bai Zemin, Geminder was also an extremely proud leader and fighter.

Geminder had endured several times, tolerated the insolence of the human in front of him and had even proposed an "extremely generous" deal. However, the human in front of him not only did not appreciate his "kindness", but also showed open disdain and challenged his authority again and again.


A strange yellow-colored aura burst outward with Geminder\'s body as its core and the ground around him cracked before splitting into hundreds of fragments. The massive pressure not only caused the concrete to crack and shatter but also caused the surrounding area to start sinking bit by bit as the eyes of the main leader of the North China goblin army filled with anger.

"Last chance, human." He barked loudly, losing all previously displayed calmness.

"Last chance, lowlife goblin." Bai Zemin retorted and his lips curved upward slightly, looking carefree.


Geminder finally lost it completely and with a loud bang destroyed the entire area ten meters around him with a mighty stomp, launching himself towards Bai Zemin like a cannonball as he slashed with his claymore ferociously!

"What a great pity." Bai Zemin shook his head even though his words and the wild rude grin on his face did not express the same.

On the contrary, he even seemed satisfied with the goblin leader\'s frank reply!

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