Blood Evolution System

Chapter 169 - Fairy's Deal

[Your blood manipulation proficiency has reached 99.9%]

[Your Sangue Heart Skill Proficiency has reached 99.9%]

[Reach level 16, evolve to the next phase of your race to level up your skills to a more powerful form]

These notifications popped up in Vincent\'s mind as he watched hundreds of skeleton warriors turning to dust and disappearing into thin air with a smile on his face, while his girlfriend, soon to be brother-in-law, Varth, and Iris stood still in shock, unable to believe what is happening right in front of their eyes.

They turned to look at Vincent with an expression of disbelief and bewildered on their faces, standing still without saying a word, completely speechless. They were unable to make sense of the situation. How can he defeat four undead with strength rivaling demonic realm monsters in merely a couple of minutes? Is that even possible? When did he become so powerful? How did he grow so much that they could never hope to catch up to him?

"Are you guys fine?"

Vincent said as he walked up to them, snapping them out of their daze.

"Yes, we are completely fine. None of us are hurt." Varth replied in a calm voice, acting as he wasn\'t much surprised with the feat Vincent managed to pull off. Internally, he was more than just amazed by him. He has seen a lot of things in his life as he was secretly King Wrath, but he could swear on his name and pride that never have we ever met a channel opening combatant as strong as Vincent.

The same went for Iris. She had never seen such a strong intermediate stage evolutionary as strong as Vincent in her home planet or the Twilight Temple.

"What about you, Buddy? You were the one fighting the most dangerous undead monsters. If someone is hurt, then it gotta be you. Are you fine?" Nevis asked, looking at him from head to toe, looking for any sort of injury.

"Except for the fact that my clothes are in tatters, there\'s nothing wrong with me," Vincent said, motioning them to stop worrying about him as he was fine.

"That\'s great," Leilani said, relieved to hear that he is not injured in any way.

All of the sudden, along with a puff of purple smoke, Purple Fairy Melody appeared in front of them.

Their eyes subconsciously moved towards her as they wondered why she came to this place.

"Challenger, even I must admit that you are damn awesome! You defeated four powerful undead without getting injured, even though you\'re only in the first level of the channel opening evolutionary stage. You managed to defeat enemies far more powerful than you by using your wits and tricks. That\'s nothing less than something admirable. You\'ve proven yourself as someone worthy enough to take away a treasure of the Iron Clad Lady. You\'ve also managed to earn my admiration and respect." Purple Fairy Melody said words of praise while looking at Vincent, telling him that he is someone she doesn\'t mind looking up to.

Then, she continued, saying words in a playful and cheeky tone, "Do you know what that means? Can you guess it?"

"If you have something to say, then come straight to the point. There is no need to praise me so much or go around circles with me." Vincent said, not at all interested in playing silly games with her.

Although she felt displeased with his attitude, she had no choice but to continue with her speech, "Ahem! I will give you a chance, a chance to directly enter the treasure hall of the castle of roses and get one item out of it."

Vincent\'s eyes narrowed. "For free? No conditions of some sort or something along the line?"

Purple Fairy Melody hurried to decline, "Ah, no! Everything comes with a price. Of course, so does this deal! You\'ll have to give up on this trial to move to the treasure hall directly, leaving your teammates behind you. Only if you agreed with my terms would I allow you to move to the treasure hall directly."

As he heard his words, he realized that he could enter the treasure hall directly but he would have to give up the ones closest to him.

Were treasures more than the life of his teammates?


"Thanks, but I decline. I have no intention of leaving my teammates to face the next wave of monsters by themselves." Vincent said, showing everyone that he is not someone who is going to be consumed by greed.

His words satisfied the others very much, and they couldn\'t help but feel relieved and happy to know that he isn\'t someone who will leave them alone for some treasure.

"Is that even something to worry about?" Melody said, "They can choose to leave the trial ground so that you can enter the treasury hall. It\'s better than facing a few more waves of monster and an even deadlier trial just to enter the treasury hall. Besides, who knows? You guys might die before the end of this trial!"

Melody said, targeting the insecurities of Vincent\'s teammates.

"If only we give up, then he can go to treasure hall directly. Should we give up?" Leilani and John thought, looking at Vincent\'s back.

"Let me talk to them and hear what they have to say about this," Vincent replied, telling her that he didn\'t want to make a decision without consulting with the others first.

"Yeah, sure. Take your time. You only have five minutes to come to a decision, though." Melody replied, snapping her fingers, summoning a hourglass in mid-air.

"The moment the last grain of sand in the upper part of this clock drops to the lower part, the next monster wave will begin! I hope to hear an answer before that," Melody said, flapping her wings, making her way on top of the clock, placing her butt on it, sitting closed-legged while looking at them.

"Okay, I understand," Vincent said before he turned to look at his teammates, ready to discuss this matter with them.

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