The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 140 - Demon Orc


CLASS: Orc (Ascended Mutant)


NAME: Demon Orc

LEVEL: 109


ROLE: Brawler


• Silent Kill (Active skill)

• Eternal Rage (Passive skill)

• Hardening (Passive skill)

<Expand to view 2 more>

HP: 19000/19000







EVADE (EVD) : 88


Damage Resistances: None

Condition Immunities: Exhaustion, Frightened, Frozen, Poisoned, Blunt attacks.

Weak Against: Fire-based attacks.


REMARK: *Sigh* You really have a death wish don\'t you? Why do you always go up against difficult enemies? Eh, whatever, I\'ll do what I do best- Roast you along with your enemy. See those spikes on his back? Those are poisonous and cause true damage upon being hit, not that you have to worry about that. What you need to be careful of, is the skill [Silent Kill] because it\'ll silently whoop your a*s. Although It\'s back is its weakest area, but try not to get too close to it either, otherwise, he might give up on the women and take you as his bride instead.


\'If you want to roast me then try harder.\' Arnold smirked.

"Laugh while you can human. You\'ll be dead in a minute." The Demon Orc kicked Talos away.

"A talking monster... interesting. No one would believe me if I told them about you. I don\'t think I\'ve ever had a chat with someone like you, before either. Too bad, you\'ll be dying by my hands, right here and now." Arnold said and took off his hazmat suit after confirming there was no radiation inside the cave through the broken Talos, "Talos use the [Self Repairing] and wait outside, will you? Meanwhile, I\'ll have a chat with this abomination even among the monsters..."

"Yes, Master." Talos obeyed and quickly went outside after grabbing his broken left hand, before staring at the Orc, "You\'re as good as dead."

"Leave now human. I have no ill feelings towards you." The Orc gave Arnold a chance to leave, but Arnold wasn\'t going to, not after he had destroyed so many of his summons.

"Sorry to disappoint you but I\'m going nowhere until and unless those women come with me." Arnold replied, "So be a gentleman and step aside will ya? I don\'t want to kill you unless I absolutely have to."

"You, a mere human dares to threaten me? These females are mine. I\'ll repopulate my kind through their wombs, and build a strong army for myself, but don\'t worry, I\'ll put you in your place before I do that." The demon roared and dropped on all six of his limbs just like before. Spikes were about to fly out of his back.

"Give me the best you\'ve got but before that let\'s make sure the women are safe right?" Arnold mumbled and used his elemental abilities to cover the women under an earthly dome, "You don\'t want to harm them do you?"

But the Orc didn\'t reply to Arnold\'s comment and proceeded to attack him. Arnold, however, stood there, folding both arms over his chest, not caring about the Orc. He wasn\'t afraid of the Orc in the least.

Why would he, someone who had fought and defeated a rank C cosmic being despite being at a disadvantage, be afraid of a D ranked cosmic being? Since the orc was a D rank cosmic being, it also meant that he was a rank S or S+ monster at best, nothing Arnold hadn\'t faced before. Moreover, the spikes won\'t be able to do much damage to him, thanks to his immunity to true damage.

The only question running through his mind being, \'How the hell did this Orc become a cosmic being? He wouldn\'t answer me even if I forced him to. Why do I always have to kill someone before I can interrogate them... *sigh*\'

Hundreds of spikes flew towards him, the Orc smirked at him, \'It\'s over for you, cocky human.\'

Clouds of dust shot up in the air as the spikes rained down upon Arnold.

"Was talking the only thing you were good at?" The Orc snorted and walked towards the Dome-like structure which Arnold had constructed to keep the women safe from the battle

The Orc raised his hands over his head and slammed them down on the dome. One blow was all it took for the Orc to destroy it. The rubble fell over the women who were inside it... shivering with fear.

"Let\'s celebrate my victory over those rascals and-"


A bullet pierced through the orc\'s hand that was about to grab the legs of the woman. The Orc flinched in pain and stepped back.

"No, bad orc, bad orc! Leave women alone." Arnold smirked, smoke coming out of the barrel of one of the vindicators.

"How are you alive!?" The Orc roared and turned to face the \'cocky human\' once again, but this time he was even more aggressive. It wasn\'t because Arnold had injured him, but because Arnold himself was unaffected by the orc\'s attack.

In truth, even though Arnold was immune to true damage, [Devil\'s Advocate] would\'ve only protected him from the true damage caused by the poison that the spikes carried, and not the physical damage that the spikes would\'ve dealt. Thus to protect himself completely, he used the [plasma shield] ability to deflect the spikes, that was going to hit him.

"Let\'s just say, things don\'t always go as planned." Arnold smiled aimed both of his guns at the monster, "Don\'t get angry though, I have to protect myself, don\'t I?"


The Orc bellowed like a mad titan and charged at him, his sword in one of his hand. The Orc swung the sword even before he reached him, something which perplexed Arnold.

\'Why the hell is he swinging his sword even before I\'m in his attack range?\'

Arnold\'s questions were answered a moment later when a gust of wind, rushed towards him. The attack was fast, but not fast enough, Arnold managed to dodge the attack with minimum effort, but as a result, he lost sight of the Orc. That was all the Orc needed to simultaneously punch Arnold across the face.

The force of the attack was unlike he had ever felt before, his body flew backwards like the hulk had punched him into oblivion.


His flying body finally came to a halt as he got slammed on the wall of the cave, with his arms and legs stretched out. The wall was imprinted by Arnold\'s body as if he was making a snow fairy on the wall. It was perfect.

For a second Arnold felt like he had just been visited by truck-kun. The force behind orc\'s attack was terrifying. If it wasn\'t for Arnold\'s enhanced and upgraded gears, he would\'ve been squatted out of there like a fly.

The orc\'s attack had knocked any sense of fun out of Arnold\'s brain, now all he wanted was to kill the Orc in the most gruesome and painful way possible.

Arnold stepped out of the dent made by him in the wall and spat a tooth out of his mouth. Along with the tooth, a couple of blood droplets fell on the ground.

The Orc couldn\'t believe his eyes... a human managed to take his attack head-on? Impossible!

The Orc didn\'t want Arnold to recover even a bit, thus he charged at him once again. But this time Arnold was ready for him.

As soon as the Orc gained momentum Arnold activated [Rapid Flash], and managed to sidestep the Orc at the last minute. Arnold tilted his body to the side slightly and allowed the Demon Orc\'s sword brush past him, a fatal mistake for the Orc.

The Orc struggled to turn around, but his \'agile\' movements were far too slow. Arnold\'s right shot out and he jumped over the Orc like a panther, landed behind him. Arnold was free to do as he pleased while the Orc head his back turned against him.

\'Don\'t get close to him, MY ASS!\' Arnold was beyond pissed at the Orc and hence didn\'t show any mercy to the Orc.

He quickly conjured a ball of [Frost Flame] in his had and quickly threw it at the orc\'s exposed back.

Arnold knew that the Orc had immunity and hence wouldn\'t get [Frozen] debuff, but it\'s was alright.

The spikes present on the Orc\'s back shattered the hard shell of the ball of [Frost Flame], but couldn\'t stop the fire contained within it from hurting the Orc. The arcane flames melted a chunk of the orc\'s spikes away, further reducing his defence. He was now at Arnold\'s mercy, sadly Arnold didn\'t have mercy inside of him.

Arnold wasn\'t going to let the Orc recover either. He took out a bunch of fire grenades from his inventory and threw them towards the spike-less back of the Orc one after another, while simultaneously shooting fiery bullets at him as well.

The cave was filled with the sound is sizzling flesh. The Orc was being burned to death by the human, he underestimated. Hurt and angry, the Orc furiously started swinging his sword around in hopes of injuring his attacker, but Arnold\'s agility was much more than the rate at which the Orc was swinging his sword at him.

"Save your strength and go to HELL!" Arnold yelled and threw a last grenade at the Orc which exploded right next to his face.

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