The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 222 - Dragon Overlord (Tiamut's Backstory)

Arnold wasn\'t the only one feeling the effects of the Angel\'s presence. The ones who had previously given up on fighting had once again taken up the arms to fight till their death. They felt invincible. Their foe was a godly monster, but so what? They won\'t allow a mere monster to trample over them. At that moment they felt like gods... They were gods.

Even Tiamut was concerned about the appearance of a new foe. Yet it wasn\'t her first and only time seeing the Angel until now. The memory of the angels she had wasn\'t a pleasant one, to say the least. Why do you ask? 


Because on a fateful day, she was cursed to live her life in her form of a dragon. And the one who cursed her was none other than the Immortal One, Shiva. 

She remembered how full of herself she had been, millions of years in the past. She had defeated the lesser gods by her wit and made their lives a living hell. All for killing her lover, Apsa. Back then, only her name was enough to strike fear in the hearts of those filthy lesser gods. 

Yes, Apsa was the one who declared a war on the lesser gods to dethrone their incompetent leader, Aeetes and rule over them. By killing Apsa, the lesser gods did what they had to for the sake of their souls. To protect themselves.

But love knows no reasons. At the time she heard the news of her lover\'s demise, she had been recovering from a wound given to her by a lesser God. Hence she couldn\'t participate in the war, alongside her lover. Back then, she wasn\'t known as the Goddess of Dragons as she was only a low ranking God even among the lesser gods. 

After Apsa\'s death, most of his army consisting of monsters surrendered and turned against her. Only a few who had sworn loyalty for her didn\'t infect to the enemies side. They died defending her from the ones they once called their comrades. There was no other option for her other than to run away. But to where? The ones who betrayed her already knew about all the places she could hide in. 

Her heart was enraged. All she could think of were ways to make the lesser gods pay for their mistake. For the next millennia, she spent her days running and hiding from the lesser gods as they knew very well, she would eventually seek revenge on them. But alas, no matter how hard they tried they just couldn\'t find her. It was like she had disappeared. The lesser gods were annoyed but decided to let go of the matter as the tension between lesser gods and higher gods began rising to new heights. 

It took the lesser gods a few centuries to reconcile with the higher gods. But they did manage to stop a war from breaking out. All of this happened long before the unfortunate war, which ended in favour of the higher gods and lesser gods led by the Forgotten, were defeated by Shiva. 

The lesser gods foolishly thought it was all over with Tiamut. While they were busy licking the a*ses of the higher gods, Tiamut was busy gathering an army. But it wasn\'t an easy task. Who in their right minds would go against the gods? She had her answer to that question... 

Those who had been wronged by them. The only beings, other than higher gods, that were strong enough to take the lesser gods in an all-out war were the army of the Dragon Overlord. But the dragons were peaceful creatures and rarely intervened between the matter of the gods. If she were to directly request their help, not only would she be turned down there was also a chance they\'d turn her over to the lesser gods. However, the current Dragon Overlord was known to be malicious and a sick pervert. 

Getting sent back to the lesser gods wasn\'t a risk she was willing to take, hence she decided to disguise herself as a consort and win the overlord\'s heart over. As she knew he had a terrible reputation when it came to women. The Overlord had been a dragon but once a dragon gained the power of the overlord, they also gained the ability to transform into a human. And the then, Overlord was known to abduct women and have intercourse with them as he wasn\'t interested in mating with dragons anymore. In his lust, he had also abducted a few lesser gods before. Thus Tiamut knew, if they found out her true identity, the Overlord might give her away to the lesser gods as a way to get them to forget about the abductions. She would be sacrificed for a treaty among them. 

That\'s why she transformed into Hecate, a goddess she knew the Overlord fancied. She then aimlessly roamed around the part of the universe where the dragons reside. Just like she had planned, a couple of dragons mistook her for Hecate and abducted her. They then presented their Overlord with a \'gift\'. Gift of a woman they knew the Overlord wouldn\'t decline. Once she had infiltrated the domain of the dragons, she seduced the Overlord, yet it wasn\'t enough for him to get persuaded to attack the lesser gods.

She then played another card. One to make the Overlord jealous and grow overprotective of her. she told him that her (Hecate\'s) husband, Aeetes, would find her sooner or later and then force the Overlord to hand her over. The Overlord seemed to get affected by this yet once again decided not to attack the gods.

Tiamut, under the guise of Hecate, kept trying for years to raise some kind of a conflict between them but nothing ever came out of her effort. However, during her escapades with the Overlord, she became pregnant which eventually led to the birth of Vritra. Vritra was the only thing Tiamut adored more than anything. Yet the love she had for Vritra couldn\'t extinguish the rage within her. 

After all this time, Tiamut grew fed up with the Overlord. Hence she decided to become the new Overlord herself. On one fateful night, she killed the then Overlord, and framed Aeetes, for doing so. Saying he was jealous of the Overlord as she, Hecate chose and loved the Overlord more than him. With the Overlord gone and his offspring still young, the elder dragons decided to convert Tiamut into a dragon by performing forbidden rituals. Once this was done, Tiamut became the four-headed goddess of the dragons. 

After all that, she patiently waiting in the secluded corner of the universe for the perfect opportunity to strike the lesser gods down and make them pay for their crimes. And that moment arrived soon after the dust had settled between the higher gods and the lesser gods.

Tiamut returned to avenge her lover. But this time, she wasn\'t alone. She came with her were a hundred thousand dragons. Each powerful enough to slay a lesser God all by itself. The lesser gods were ridiculously overpowered and didn\'t stand a chance against the vengeful Goddess of Dragons. But before the battle ended, Tiamut located and killed the real Hecate to avoid any unwanted complications in her plan. If the dragons saw Hecate, they\'d know they had been tricked into killing the gods. Something, Tiamut couldn\'t afford. 

Soon the lesser gods were defeated and the headless corpse of Aeetes was paraded through the realms. Just like Apsa\'s was. The higher gods didn\'t interfere in the matter because Tiamut had indirectly resolved the issue they had been facing and they didn\'t even need to get their hands dirty because of it. 

Soon Tiamut was crowned to be the queen of lesser gods as well. Now she could finally turn back into her true form. Everything was great. Apart from one thing. The newly crowned dragon goddess wasn\'t doing great at her job of strictly maintaining the balance of the universe. She had thoughtlessly killed a few important lesser gods which were responsible for maintaining the universal balance. And her dragon underlings weren\'t doing their jobs properly either. Essentially, they had been neglecting their duties for centuries which led to almost destroying the universe. 

This is where Shiva and his army interfered. Whenever the universe was threatened, Shiva took up his legendary trident to restore the order. This time, Tiamut was on the receiving end of Shiva\'s godly rage.

The dragons fought bravely against the Immortal\'s army but were way out of their league. Shiva\'s army was much stronger than the lesser gods they had defeated and proved to be too much for them to handle on their own. Technically, Shiva never used the Trident against them. He didn\'t need to. The Angels in his army were his sword and killed most of the dragons by themselves.

Tiamut finally had to surrender but it wasn\'t enough for Shiva. He put a curse on her which forced her to live the rest of her immortal life as a dragon and serve for the wellbeing of the universe. The remaining dragons were cursed similarly and were now essentially the guard dogs for the lesser gods. That\'s why Vritra was placed under the control of The Guide Between the Worlds until she was slain by Arnold. After that, the Forgotten was crowned as the new king and the rest is history.

This was the reason why Tiamut was taken aback by the appearance of the Guardian Angel. But the Guardian Angel\'s appearance on the battlefield ended up firming her resolve to kill Arnold, Shiva\'s paladin as a way to get back at Shiva as well as for avenging her daughter at the same time.

"I shall be the one to end your life!" She roared once again. 

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