The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 378 - Two Wars, One Victor (3)

"Looks like you won\'t need to wait for long though..." Amanda mumbled as she got a notification from her communicator. Their radar had detected multiple unidentified targets entering the zone.

At the same moment, Yan grew restless. He could feel the power of death advancing towards them. He, who proclaimed to be the last lord of death, could feel a chill down his spine and the same was true for his army of undead. He rushed towards Talos as he too was someone acquainted with the power to rule death. But Talos raised his hand to stop Yan even before he could say anything. 

"I know Yan. I can feel it too... I\'m familiar with the power of a necromancer." Talos mumbled, "Way too familiar in my opinion. Though it shouldn\'t be possible. Master had killed the last necromancer and I got his ability."

Talos got quiet all of a sudden. There was no mistaking it. It was the same powers he had obtained after killing Jake about a decade ago. Still, it wasn\'t the time for him to think about the past. He had to give everyone their orders.

"Everyone, in position! We got company. Amanda, in the meantime you should take the humans into the shelter. Especially the woman who was impregnated by the Ogre king. She and her offspring are quite important for us."

It had been a couple of years, but the woman was still as bloated as ever. Arnold was concerned about her as well, but he always seemed to be occupied with one thing or the other. Thus, was unable to do anything about her.

"On it!" Amanda exclaimed as she jumped off the platform. Following her departure, Yu Zhung and the rest of Arnold\'s summons showed up there.

"I guess those a*sholes finally decided to grace ourselves with their presence?" Yu Zhung asked while excitedly holding on to the unique rapier among his six longswords.

It was a weapon that had been made by Arnold to replace the sword which he had destroyed during their confrontation in Shanghai and Yu Zhung couldn\'t be any happier. If he could get a weapon made by Arnold every time he broke one, he would personally snap the blades in half.


• [ENCHANTER SWORD]: A broadsword made up of the remains of the Enchanter Minotaur. As the remains of an irregular monster were used while creating this sword, it has a unique translucent appearance that can change according to the mana embued into it before striking a target. Upon the creation of this sword, it was further enhanced by its creator. This sword is a true work of art having skills and abilities that could overwhelm even the strongest of enemies in the blink of an eye.

Grade: Cosmic B

Strength (STR) : + 115

Weapon Type: Rapier

Weight : 1.2 kg

Additional effect : [Lightweight] - Each successful strike by this sword temporarily increases the user\'s agility by 2 points (effective for 10 seconds). Continuously stabbing multiple targets three times gives a bonus of 4 agility points. This skill has a cooldown of 5 seconds. This ability can raise agility by a maximum of 100 points (for 10 seconds).

Additional effect : [Chain Reaction- V0.2] - Actively striking the enemies 5 times in a row would permanently boost the agility and evasion of the user by 2 points. The skill will only increase evasion after the user has gained 100 agility points through this ability. After gaining 100 points of agility, the ability becomes ineffective, unless its creator reforges the equipment.

Additional effect : [Call of Protection] - While fighting enemies having the same or higher rank than that of the user, this ability would allow the user to steal a portion of mana from the target and store it inside the sword which later on can be used freely by the one wielding the sword to convert the mana into defence points. For every 50 mana absorbed, the user gains 2 defence points (At maximum only 5000 can be stolen and stored in the sword).


Not only was the Rapier made by Arnold was light to wield, but Yu Zhung was also able to use it better than his original swords. It almost felt like that sword was an extension to his body and not just another run of the mill weapon. 

Moreover, it provided him with abilities that Yu Zhung could never even dream to have. Mostly because he wasn\'t sure abilities like those existed in the first place. This new weapon of his made him even stronger than most of the summons Arnold had. By most, he meant stronger than Alice, Bad-Breath and Yan... maybe.

"It\'s good that you are excited, Yu Zhung." Talos replied before ordering the automatons to mount the turrets and take aim, "You\'ll get lots of chances to get pushed to your limits. Considering the number of enemies it\'s showing in the radar."

"How many are there?" Asterios asked Talos. Asterios had matured a bit following his evolution, but he still had his rowdy side inside him which surfaced whenever he was excited.

"Let\'s say that they outmatch us 3 to 1," Talos said as he transformed into the evolved Demonic Ogre, who was a monster slaughtering turret in his own right, "I think it\'s going to be an even fight. Ogur, you ready?"

Talos yelled as the Frost Titan rose from his slumber, and picked up his weapon of choice: A flamethrowing turret. Talos had customised one of the turrets, especially for the giant. The upgrades drastically improved its range while also allowing Ogur to move freely as he was stationed outside the boundary of the base. But that wasn\'t the only weapon he had. He had his old battleaxe and shield to use in close combat while stomping the enemies to their doom.

As soon as the enemies started popping up in their view, Yan got to work. He had already set up all of his traps inside and outside the base. Only the elite summons along with Amanda and Yu Zhung were aware of it. It was also why Talos had requested Amanda to take everyone else into the shelter. As they could accidentally trigger those traps and hence would most probably end up being a burden once the battle started.

But making traps wasn\'t Yan\'s only speciality. He was also a master of curses and debuffs. Moreover, most of his spells were AOE, hence were perfect to wreck an unsuspecting army of monsters. With Yan\'s spells in effect, they had completed their preparations. Now all they had to do was to slaughter the enemies.

"Wait... a minute..." Amanda huffed and puffed as she rushed back to the scene, "Isn\'t... that... the brigadier general?"

Talos looked at her in confusion as the man leading the army came into vision. His face had distorted a bit, and he had grown more muscular than the last time he had seen that arrogant basta*d. But it indeed looked like him. Talos still wasn\'t sure enough, so he told another automaton to confirm it with the help of their in-built bio scanner and low-n-behold, it was indeed the former Brigadier General of Zone 4, who was kicked out by Arnold.

"Things just got a bit interesting. I should inform master about it." Talos mumbled. 


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