The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 461 - Destruction Is Just A Hobby (2)

At the same time in Italy, Sonya and her team were having a meeting to discuss their next course of action and it was not going well at all. All of them kept arguing with each other rather than trying to come up with a solution to their problems. The meeting room of their guild had turned into a battlefield of words and slurs. 

"Great. Not only did we lose some of the rewards we got earlier, but we also didn\'t receive from world rankings." The brutish looking tank complained to Sonya, "I could have also managed to get a hardcore earth manipulation ability from that scroll but no! This witch just had to open her big mouth and get us all into trouble."

She was still pissed that despite being a paladin, a lowly summon was actually able to control their minds. Not only that, but that da.mned succubus also forced them to give up the scrolls they had received as a reward. So basically, they were left with nothing. They were hoping that even without the scrolls they would be able to level up a bit by clearing dungeons. But even that plan was a bust because the dungeon all over the world had been sealed shut for god knows why! 

As a result, now they were forced to go into the next round of the War without levelling up or having any new skills/abilities. They had never thought messing with Arnold would turn out to be so... unfortunate for them. But now that they had there was no point in sulking around.

Still, they couldn\'t get out of feeling as if they were cheated on. On top of that, they were already feeling down, thanks to being bullied by Arnold\'s summon and were hoping to get some rewards to ensure they would be able to do something in the next round. However, since they didn\'t receive anything, it felt like someone kicked them again while they were struggling to get back to their feet. 

"Why are you blaming me, you good for nothing fat!?" The mage who had aggravated Natasha yelled back at the tank, while her black hair waved behind her, "If you were half as focused on using your shield than on your weight, we wouldn\'t have been in this mess!"

"Hmph! You\'re just jealous of me cuz you\'re flat! Flatter than earth ever was! I\'d prefer being any day over being all skin and bones like you."

Just as a fight was about to break out between the two of you, Sonya grabbed both of her teammates and slammed their heads against each other. She had done it with such a force that it could have split their head open if it hadn\'t been for the reinforcement spell cast by the mage. Still, even the spell could not handle all that power and their heads still hurt like hell. 

"Would you bitc.hes keep quiet for a bit!?" Sonya bellowed, "Unlike you, some people actually have to think before making their move first and because of you pathetic idiots, I always end up in a mess just like I am now."

Everyone averted their gaze away from her. They knew better than to anger her even more because they knew Sonya was stronger than them... or was she? The mage thought as a sinister plan hatched in her mind. Both the mage and the tank were slowly getting tired of Sonya\'s continuous mistreatment of them. 

Earlier, they never rebelled against her because she had the complete support and loyalty of the twins. But now that she had pushed one of them to death, it would be easy to persuade the remaining twin to join them instead of doing her bidding. The mage was fully aware that, Rico, the remaining twin, was going through emotional turmoil and she could use that to her benefit.

He had just lost his last living relative that he was aware of and hence was incredibly vulnerable right now. Before whenever he was upset, he either turned to his brother, Mica or to Sonya, but now with Mica gone and Sonya not being able to give him any emotional support, Skya, the mage could easily turn him into an ally with a little bit of mind games.

\'Too bad we can\'t kill her now.\' Skya thought, \'I could have become a vassal right here and now if it wasn\'t for that announcement... argh! Hmm... maybe it is for the better. It would give me more time to plan my next move.\'

Sonya interrupted Skya\'s train of thought by stating one fact that all of them had missed. Since they didn\'t get the world rank rewards, it was clear that Arnold did not get anything either. So even though they had lost a lot of things while trying to fight Arnold, they finally managed to screw him over for once. In fact, they were happier that he didn\'t receive any rewards more than the fact they were worse off than he was at the moment.

"But wouldn\'t he be pissed after what happened because of us?" Tecla, the tank asked Sonya.

"Oh, I bet he is seething right now." Sonya had a crooked smile on her face, "More so because he can\'t to about it. After all, he can not kill us or harm us in any way. Or the one watching us would punish him the moment he tries to pull something."

"That is true..." Skya nodded in agreement, ", I want to see his agitated face right now, haha! He was acting so mighty and and now that we have screwed him over he can\'t even harm us in any way! Haha!"

The room wasn\'t all that gloomy anymore. They were laughing and smiling, they were still worried about what was going to happen in the competition but they decided to live their life for now, in case they don\'t get the chance ever again. 

However, in their time of joy, they had failed to listen to the cries of their guildmates who were being put to place by Talos and his automatons. They weren\'t killing anyone, but they sure as hell weren\'t showing them any mercy either because if they did.... then their master would arrive there and that won\'t be good for anyone on the planet. 

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