The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 509 - A Lesson To Remember (2)

"Come one, come all! It\'s getting your ass kicked buffet!!!" Bad-Breath yelled as he began kicking the crap out of everyone around him. 

Hercules and the rest of them were busy doing the same. At this time, Talos, Tiamut and Ogur stopped doing their part in attacking the crowd as their attacks did AOE damage and they were afraid of hitting one of their \'yoloing\' idiots. 

Shyok and Yan, on the other hand, were not bound by such restrictions as they had complete control over their powers.

"I guess we should go and join them?" Tiamut suggested as she transformed back into her human form.

"You wanna be yeeted too?" Talos said with a tinge of sarcasm in his voice, "Ogur would love to throw you as well. Just look at him all sad since he can\'t throw anything anymore."

"Hard pass... as much as I would love to, I think the boys won\'t be able to handle someone like me." Tiamut shrugged her shoulders and leaned over the wall, "On a serious note though, you sure we don\'t need to intervene?"

"Nah, we don\'t get to show our true power these days. So, this should be a great time for those idiots to vent their pent up frustrations." Talos replied and reverted back t being an automaton as well, "For now, let\'s just observe them. If it looks that things are going south, then we might aid them."

Heimdall nodded and sheathed his sword. A million of them were nothing when compared to what Hercules could do by himself, especially after having his strength increased by Arnold\'s mystic science. At first he was worried because of their numbers, but it doesn\'t seem like the elves would be able to do anything to them. 

"I wonder what those gods are planning to do now..." Alice mumbled, "This has to be another one of their plans, right?"

"I doubt that." Talos replied before Heimdall could do so, "I mean no disrespect by saying this, but gods are a bunch of fools. However, even they aren\'t foolish enough to do something like this."

Heimdall smiled because he knew Talos had arrived at the correct conclusion. 

"Why is that? Those idiots already tried it once so they could- oh I see..." Alice shook her head, "I really need to stop hanging around those brutes... they are killing my brain cells."

"Wait, I don\'t get it?" Dani couldn\'t help but ask them as everyone else seem to already understand why the gods couldn\'t be behind this attack.

"Let me explain it in simpler terms that you will understand," Talos replied, "Let\'s say you discover a new method for quenching a hot blade right out of the furnace. However, when you tried to do it, the results were disastrous. The blade broke and all in all, it was just a huge mistake. So will you do it again right away, or figure out your mistake first and then try to overcome it?"

"I would never do it again... or at least try to figure out the mistake."

"It\'s the same for the gods. In what I said above, the gods are the blacksmiths, and subduing our master is like quenching the blade. Since they already failed once, they have no reason to do it again. At least not so soon, did you get it now?"

All of them intently looked at her while her mind processed the analogy Talos used. Then she finally had a lightbulb moment as it all came together.

"I didn\'t know these fools had enough courage to go against us like this." Natasha chimed in, "They clearly know we killed their gods and yet they thought to do something like this?"

This time Talos kept his silence even though he knew what could have possibly prompted them to do this. Those explosions from earlier were not meant to distract them. They were meant to destroy them. 

Their plan must have been to invade their city and spread out. After that, they would have used the explosives to throw everyone in chaos and possibly kill most of them too. Then they would have used their soldiers to swipe the city. However, their plans did not work thanks to the security measures. 

"Let\'s see what these fools can do now."


Back on the battlefield, the elves were taken by surprise. The chaos and death were the least of their worries right now. In fact, the only thing they could think of now was how they could escape from this hell?

It was their plan to take the heretics by surprise, however, it was them who were taken by surprise instead. The days they spent in planning had been wasted completely. Nothing was going the way they had expected. 

"We have to retreat. That\'s the only way to survive." Leader of the wartorn tribe of elves barked at his fellow leaders, "We need to survive and fight another day-"

Suddenly his head exploded and the bits and pieces of his head were splattered all around him. 

"Run away from the battlefield? I thought elves were supposed to be a noble species who honoured the code of war."

Hercules was standing over the fallen, headless corpse of the elf. His body was smeared with the flesh and blood of the elves unfortunate enough to cross his path. 

"It looks like the gods aren\'t the only ones fallen from grace... tsk tsk tsk, too bad you fools thought you could take us down by yourselves" Hercules continued, "Either way, I\'ll try to save the strongest of you people to kill last. Right now isn\'t the time to do so. Till then, hang on will you? And try not to run... or else I\'ll have to give you a lesson to remember. Oi oi oi, Asterios why are you killing the elves on my side eh?"

Saying so, Hercules headed back to where he was fighting the elves before, leaving the so-called leaders stunned into silence. They were cursing their fate now.. Just why did they listen to the foolish woman in the first place? Thanks to her, they were going to die now while she comfortably sat on her throne.

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